That's me.
The wordless wonder.
I don't seem to have a creative word to say these days, at least not on my blog. There is plenty going on around here, everything but writing...
Funny thing is that it doesn't seem to be bothering me, so I will be visiting your blogs, as always, but sitting on the sidelines with other bloggers in our own special group for an undetermined period of time. We come and go. It's okay. It isn't even my first trip to the sidelines.
Make sense??
I knew it would. I've seen some of you in this crowd before, and others who may visit down the road.
Apparently, just telling you this took quite a few words, so maybe they aren't ALL gone. :)
Until later...
Ebola here, ebola possibly there...
Ebola seems to be everywhere right now. For sure it's been here in Dallas where the first U.S. Ebola patient died this week. He was at the hospital where 2 of my 3 children were born and where I visited my own doctor through the years before he retired. By the way, it's a wonderful hospital, despite what has happened.
My point is... Ebola, just like fear, abounds in the world around us. It's bad enough that I lean in that direction without much help needed, but now... this world is so full of reasons to be fearful. The news, the papers, the world situation... it all paints pictures that inspire worry and fear.
Where is God in all of this?
He still holds this whole world within the powerful grip of his hands, and he holds me there as well, and you too.
Do you believe that? In a world that tries to give us every reason not to, on a daily basis, do you still claim that God is still God?
Yes He is, and yes I do!
2 Timothy 1:7, and I love the King James for this one:
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love and a sound mind".
Don't you know that satan is laughing with gleeful malice at the world we are living in, and that he understands full well the doubts and confusions that trip up saints and sinners alike when fear abounds.
So what do we do about it all?
The very same thing we have always done, after we wring our hands and worry our hearts about it all... we go straight to the God who never changes, whose faithfulness is the same yesterday, today and forever. And... we leave the rumors and the fears of what we know and what we don't know... IN HIS HANDS, one more time.
There is no other solution...
There is also no better solution...
Ebola, wars, rumors of wars, terrorists, finances, families, sickness, small faith, large fears ... all of it!
Not one of these things, or any other thing is surprising to our God. I already KNOW that, but sometimes I need to be reminded again, and when I am...
Back it all goes to Him...
Praying, as I literally 'dump' all of it into His care...
Exactly the place where 'it' and 'I' belong.
Don't you love the sense of calm that comes when we do that? Nothing has really changed, the world is still full of chaos and our problems may still be unanswered, but my heart is still, and my faith is steady.