The dog in this picture definitely has both!
So often patience and wisdom seem to go hand in hand, don't they?
My initial reaction to things is not always the wisest...
I love to look at how Jesus walked the 33 years He lived on this earth. It was ALWAYS with wisdom, and I never get the sense that He was rushing and hurrying to get it all said and done...
His life and how He lived it IS our example!
I'm sure that this dog would much rather be eating what's in that bowl than standing and watching...
I love your words, and I love the picture. It made me chuckle.
You know, I'm proud of Mr. Dog. For me, it's the hardest to have patience when it feels like the little stinkers are gobbling up all the good stuff.
If you know what I mean...
I also had to smile at the picture. Patience is something I have to work at every single day because it doesn't come naturally for me.
great picture. Poor dog. He has wisdom though, he knows not to disturb that skunk. I wish I had lots more wisdom from Jesus, and I know a lot of times it is because I ask not.
Thanks! Have a great week Sonja.
This was just what I need to hear today Sonja! Sometimes I have too much in my head, and I want to do it all now! Patience and wisdom - just as Jesus has shown us. He is so patient with me as I try to learn. Thank you.
Have a good evening,
Well because he was patient he doesn't smell..oh my, I probably smell and then have to take all that time to clean myself off that I would have had had I just stood back and waited. Why do we have the fast food mentality? I am learning to slow it down and I hope in doing so I don't stink as much. Maybe I am gaining some wisdom with these gray hairs.
Great picture and it will be stuck in my brain as a reminder.
Such a cute picture, and yet some profound wisdom really. How often I HURRY into something before I have considered just what could happen only to have to deal then with the smelly mess. I enjoyed this. Have a good week-end. HUGS
Boy, did you stomp on my toes today! Ha! I just figured it all out. Maybe that's why I've had to deal with the flooded den, the broken pipes in the laundry room and the washer that wont work during these past few weeks! Wooo, Lord give me patience and give it to me now! They came out and said they needed a part for my washer, it was ordered. It finally came in and then they said it would be three more weeks before they could get back out here to fix it, that's tomorrow! The pipe broke in the laundry room. I walked in and found it about an inch deep in water in the den where it had gone under the wall. He came and dried it out. The pipe leaked again after fixing it and well, you get the picture. I don't have much patience when it come to this stuff! I needed this post today, for my patience have really run thin!!! Love the picture.
Funny and true! Great illustration!
Yes Sonja the picture says it all. One does not need words all the time to get a message over. Perfect analogy. Blessings to you dear.
Wonderful thoughts to go with a great picture Sonja. Wisdom and patience, we have much to learn from nature.
What a PU-fect portrait you've painted for us, Sonja! Oftentimes the flip-side of acting unwisely is a stinky outcome. I wonder how many times I've chowed down with skunks rather than bide my time?
Still chuckling ...
What a perfect photo for such great advice! Thank you for that Sonja.
Love you sis,
If only human beings were half as wise as that patience little puppy dog we wouldn't go around smelling like a skunk so often :-)
"Proceed with caution..." Those are definitely some wise words! ;-)
Dear Sonja,
A good word in right time.
I once got this card, "Grant me patience Lord, but hurry."
It hit me right where it was meant to.
The problem is, I understood it back then, and I haven't forgotten it, but I still find it hard to "wait for the Lord."
I am grateful, that the Lord has patience with me, though I am such a slow learner.
Lam. 3: 22"It is because of the Lord's mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His [tender] compassions fail not.
23They are new every morning; great and abundant is Your stability and faithfulness."
from Felisol
how adorable is this? he has such a funny expression
of resignation, and his eyes look like he's like to bite
that pesky skunk.
as always, you have made such a wonderful analogy
to our need for wise restraint.
YOU HAVE GIVEN ME THEH WORDS I NEED FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE, but especially NOW, because, for lack of a better way to say it, I WORK WITH A SKUNK! Teeeeheeee...well, there it is. She often comes to "eat out of my bowl", and I think I learned my lesson the day I growled and insisted on eating out of my own bowl. She did what skunks do and the aftermath was an unpleasant odor that I can live without in my workplace!!! teeeeeheeee...there, I said it! OH THANK YOU PRECIOUS SONJA for your wisdom; I think JESUS IS OUR PRIME AND PERFECT EXAMPLE FOR EVERYTHING!!! ANd you are the kindest sweetest soul! I so enjoy you and have a perfect day! Anita
How prone we are to do our own thing and rush ahead of the Lord. As we grow older we get a little wiser but I still have much to learn.
I'm glad the Lord is patient with me. Love your analogy. God bless!
As of late, and I suppose as of always, I come to some conversations (with some people)with a defensive posture. In those situations, rather than speak the first words that come to my mind, I'd be wise to be patient with my thoughts and pray for wisdom all the more.
It's never wise to wrestle with a skunk!
Sonja -
WHAT a wonerful picture. Talk about "a picture is worth a thousand words."
Thank you for a great chuckle. Marsha
Precious friend,
I've missed my visits with you and the 'wisdom' in the LORD that you share. The Bible tells us that wisdom is the principle thing. I love your sharing today. Both wisdom and patience are two areas I pray about often in my own walk with GOD.
Thank you Sonja for all the PRAYERS you've prayed and continue to pray. Your friendship is especially dear to me.
I pray God's favor over you, your husband and the extensions of your families. I love you.
P.S. I can't go back through everyone's post but if I've missed something to pray about please Email me. Love you!
I hope it doesn't sound disrespectful to say this, but I often see Jesus in our dog, Otis. He's patient, loving, forgiving, and doesn't seem to judge anyone. You can yell at him one minute, and the next he's right by your side, letting you know he still loves you.
God's DNA is all around us...
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