I had to use this picture once more before I retire it, and it fits these words so well.
Don't you love this quote?
Midnight tonight ends today's potential forever... but between now and then... a day full of possibilities!

“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. (Matt. 6:34 NLT)
Thanks for this! It's motivation to seize this day. I do love Charles Swindoll. And thanks so much for your encouraging email. I do think we're kindred in soul.
This was very encouraging today! Thanks so much, Sonja! Loved the picture too!! Beautiful!
I love this. Thank you so much for your inspiring words.
Blessings, hugs, and prayers,
Indeed, how true. And to remember that within that same period of time we enjoy so many blessings! Thank you for this, Hugs, Lori xx
What a beautiful photo, Sonja.
Yes, I think we should approach each day with a sense of eager anticipation for what God wants to do that day - in us and through us. And then, we should close our days with a word of gratefulness for the many ways He blesses us.
Awesome picture and great quote & verse! Very motivating! Thanks for sharing!
Such a beautiful picture; and such a compelling quote.
Oh my friend, I dare say I have squandered no few opportunities. Either I'm slow and they've gotten away before I can grip them; or I saw them and convinced myself I had other/better things to do.
I hope I do no such thing with today, or tomorrow.
What a beautiful picture. A wonderful quote and a scripture we so need to memorize.
Blessings and hugs!
Ah and we let so many opportunities to pass! Thanks for the reminder.
So true and I repeat it to myself over and over and you know what? The next time something pops up, there I am trying to be God.
I just need to lots more resting in his Hands.
Thank you.
Dear Sonja,
These words are so beautiful.
"So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today."
I admit they are both a comfort and a challenge. Looking back I can sign that this far the Lord has been helping me out.
Looking ahead I wonder, will He make it this time too?
I for sure know I cannot do it alone.
I shall have to repeat these words, when I go downstairs to have a quiet half hour before bed time.
Thanks once more for spreading the good word.
From Felisol
thank you, sonja, for the gorgeous photo and inspiring
quote! it is so true, and i'm ashamed of how i waste
those hours sometimes.
WOW, this is beautiful! Thank you for sharing.
Hi Sonja,
I hope your having a wonderful week.
I love that beautiful photograph, the bible verse and the quote.
P.S. Thank you so much for your comment on LOAM, it touched
my heart.
Hugs to you
Love this and the pic Sonja. Your words are beautiful and they invite us to live in the present moment and slow down to take a long look at what we are blessed with, what is around us every day.
Yes I do love that quote, it is similar to one about friendship, the time you give to one friend can never be replaced or given again, very good post thank you.
The investments we make into our faith today will be the strengthened understanding of our tomorrows. I'd better get busy making some of those investments right now!
Yes. I do ♥ the quote & revel in the possibilities!
I love that picture, and that scripture was part of my devotions yesterday. When we worry about what' s going to happen we miss out on what God has for us in the moment
Oh to have these words in the front of my mind daily.....and to ever to on the lookout for the opportunities God is putting in front of me.....
The picture is awesome.....
I love the photo and the quote. Thank you for sharing both!
(p.s. - I sent you an email about the card giveaway at my blog. Even though you didn't win, I want to send you a couple from my stock.)
Amen! Truly words of wisdom from Mr. Chuck Swindoll.
Have a great 4th of July
I love both the picture and the quotation. Thanks for sharing them.
Happy 4th of July! ...Marsha
Thank you for the reminder of the uniquiness of today. Blessings.
Well, Sonja, I needed this today for the journey that we are on right now. I think I'll copy this onto a note card and keep it in front of me in the days ahead. Blessings to you!
That is a beautiful quote Sonja! An important lesson to learn too.
Much love,
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