Here is what his blog today said, in part...
"In the uncertainty of our current journey, I’m going back to the most basic of principles: I have all the grace I need for today. I don’t need tomorrow’s grace until tomorrow. Yesterday’s “manna” doesn’t save very well. But, I definitely have what I need for today—actually more than I need."
He has a way of challenging me to think in new directions...
'Yesterday's manna'... the grace God gave us to live out our lives yesterday... that was 24 hours ago. I have moved into today, and I need a new dose of grace and manna for this day.
It has already been provided!
Today's grace is mine, and yours. Tomorrow's manna will also come... tomorrow.
...Our source for manna and grace has no limits.
...Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever.
I do have to add a personal note about manna, since I often find myself in the same sandals as the Israelites who were not always thrilled at God's provision...
Manna does not always look like I wish it looked...
If I were picking the manna, I would probably select lavish food falling down on a silver tray. Oh how ridiculous and selfish our thoughts can be. The silver tray contained the life of Jesus, offered up for me. The daily grace and manna is still another gift... all of it undeserved.
I am living right now, in this new 'today', with every need of my heart, mind and life, provided for.
Today's grace and manna is enough... as long as I trust in the God who provides all of it.
I choose to trust Him.

Hi Sonja,
What a wonderful and important message to keep in front of us everyday....Manna just for today...everything we need today...not yesterdays or tomorrows ..... just what we need today......
I am sorry to say that I spend way too much time thinking about yesterday or tomorrow and the unmet or will they be met thoughts instead of trusting God to provide just what I will need today.......
Hugs and blessings
I love this!!!
When you said, "Manna does not always look like I wish it looked...", I was nodding my head. I, too, have my own foolish notions about my expected manna.
What I really loved, though, was the very timely reminder for me that there is enough for today and reason to expect more tomorrow. I've been holding on to yesterday's manna too much.
And we know how that one worked out for the Israelites.
Amen, sister.
Beautiful thoughts, sister. Trusting in tomorrow's provision even as I taste today's! Love you.
You have spoken my heart so well....God spoke this to me each day this last month. I think I felt that new manna each day in a new way more than ever before...and no, it never seems to look like what we think....but it sure cements truth in our inner most being. Thank you God for today's manna.
Hi Sonja, thanks for stopping by.
I couldn't agree more on how ridiculously selfish our thoughts can be. Just when my children have barely become young adults, it seemed I grew weary of giving, yet I've only just begun. I took it to our Father during a morning walk two weeks ago complaining how I felt that I was losing myself. His response was that the more I lose myself, the more I gain Him. It's all good. Less me, more Him. What could be better? Ah, but then humanity creeps in. ;)
Love what you wrote in your profile about finding out how God is teaching us through blogging. Could not agree more. Our journey on a screen.
I look forward to visiting.
Have a lovely weekend.
This was wonderful.My friend and I were just talking about how God gives us grace for today and when tomorrow comes there will be new grace for that day, but I love the way it is compared to manna. How true that was and is today
This was beautiful, Sonja - and so much more timely than you'll ever know. I'm needing His manna desperately the last few days. Today's daily bread. The Lord is good, and He will provide. I just have to keep my eyes looking to the sky for His provision.
I CHOOSE to trust Him.
Now that packs a whallop! Why is it these timeless truths so often get related to the back closet? Just the other day I was clobbered with "Seek first the Kingdom and HIS righteousness ...", and it brought me up short. Your posts does likewise.
Today's manna is tasty & healthful. Yesterday's manna is putrid & worm infested. So what's to choose?
Huge hug,
well, this manna is a rich and satisfying feast!
i pray that your sweet pastor friend finds more
grace than he can imagine and the sweetness
of the Lord's presence during his terrible
Dear Sonja,
What a very timely reminder this very day when our daughter is leaving for a summer job, and I am waking with all my unneeded worries.
She's had her allergies and pneumonia here at home, where I was able to nurse and provide medication for her.
I hate it, when she's ill, but even more when she's alone and ill.
She's taking her last antibiotic pill before leaving today.
God is indeed a great provider and his timing is perfect. I should have learned this by now.
When I grew up my mother always bought a calendar called Daily Manna.When she founnd a "good" word, she would cut it out and post it to me.
I've got to find out if it still exists.
While reading your post, I'm having my daily Norwegian breakfast manna, bread, butter and cheese. Funny thing about us; you can place us in front of the most luxurious breakfast buffets, any Norwegian will end up with at least one slice of bread, butter and cheese.
Our daily bread is simple, but durable like the Biblical manna.
Have a blessed Lord's Day and a nutritious spiritual meal.
From felisol
This is a great devotion Sonja. As I read this I think about how much my life has changed throught the years and how my daily mana has changed too. The mana I needed before to raise my children is different from the mana I need now, with them grown up and having their own children. God knows what I need through all seasons of my life. Sometimes it is hard for me to accept the new mana , but I know I must as God would only give me what is best for me.
Blessings, love and hugs~
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