Do you ever have that push-and-pull of living on earth, but wanting that heavenly purpose in all that you do?? It's the level of living that I want in my life, but 'so help me hannah'... I can get upside down so quickly! I really WANT to be always mindful of eternity, but the human earthly me gets in my own way more often than I really want to admit!
BUT GOD... and He is the one who steadies my heart and calms my spirit... one more time, and reminds me that He is God, and is holding my whole little world right in His almighty hands! I NEED that knowledge and assurance, every day...
My mom used to say about my dad, he had one foot in heaven and she wanted him to be sure 'he wasn't so heavenly minded that he was of no earthly use'... so she was always pulling 'the other foot' back to earth... I hope you will understand when I tell you that although I am his daughter and have his genes, I have never had that problem!... I saw it in my own dad, he really lived with his eyes on the goal, so did my mom... and more than ever, I have an increasing desire that God is building in my heart, to keep that 'eternal perspective' every day...
"People with their minds set on you, you keep completely whole,
Steady on their feet,because they keep at it and don't quit.
Depend on God and keep at it because in the Lord God you have a sure thing."(Isa.26:3 The Message)

Thank you...I needed this today...seems like the worlds details were stealing my morning time with the Lord...you put me back on track
Always blessed by your post!
I love what your mother said :D
I think I heard in a sermon we listened to last night that it is the deceiver's job to keep our minds off God.
I was just thinking last night that all that I do is a part of my spiritual service, whether it's cleaning the toilet or vacuuming or shopping for groceries or cooking a meal or and other things in the long list of things we must do in this life. They are a part of providing for others...making life a little better. We don't tend to think of them as being spiritual, but life isn't necessarily always about those things we ordinarily tag as spiritual (praying, Bible study, church attendance). I guess maybe life took a different turn in Eden for us, and added to our 'service' was work. I guess we should ask if what we're doing is making life better for someone else? If so, I think we are fulfilling part of our earthly duties to God. And, as you are saying, we do need to learn balance...that the tasks don't remove our thoughts from God. Perhaps an attitude adjustment: I am cleaning this house because God gave it to me, and in so doing I show my appreciation for His provision but also I am making life more comfortable for my family by providing a clean environment. Maybe sometimes we just miss the 'spiritual' aspect of our everyday tasks.
Blessings to you today Sonja, Loved this post and I like you desire to be more heavenly minded than concerned with earthly things.
Thanks for posting it!
Hugs, Noreen
this is so great! i love it when the Spirit whispers
confirmation in so many places.
i bet your children think the same thing about
you that you do about your parents.
i loved what jeanette shared, too.
now, if you really want a jolt of the truth, hop
over to margaret's place, "singleandsane!"
What a good reminder Sonja. I want to be heavenly minded, especially when times are tough. However, I also want to be a blessing here and to be about the work I'm called to do.
However, in the deep recesses of my heart I am longing for my eternal home. One day and not one day too soon according to God's perfect timetable.
Love you my sis,
Sonja appreciate this post this day. Thank you. Blessings.
Thank you so much for your "special hugs" at my blog site. Elizabeth's gift is one of my most special treasures.
I suppose it could be said that there are times when I'm so earthly minded that I'm no heavenly good. Oh the pull of the old man and the new, the flesh and the spirit. The scripture you chose is perfect. We keep at it, we don't quit. We might fall but God's spirit knows exactly how we need to be dusted up and dusted off.
I enjoyed your honest thoughts.
You have put into words soo perfectly just where my heart has been these last few days. How much I want to keep my heart and mind focused on heavenly things, but how often it seems they are drug back to earthly concerns and thoughts. It is a constant battle for sure. The verse you shared says it all. Have a wonderful day...HUGS, Debbie
Lovely, Sonja! I'm getting so filled with the Spirit here. Thanks for that extra push upwards, towards the heavens...
Wonderful, Sonja! Thank you for the sweet reminder to keep my focus turned heavenward! Your heart and words bless me!!
He is Faithful!
The longer I live and the more "pressed into" Jesus I become, the more I see heaven on this earth...
This has been a good thing for me recently; I've needed the reminder of my heavenly home. Your father has brought some of that to me. Really, all readers of this blog must get the book...
I'm going to do a give-away soon, once I have enough courage to write a post about it.
i loved the picture of your six grandkids!!!
can't imagine the mess, commotion, or
I found your blog through Debbie at Heart Choices. I know I am going to love your blog and gleam much from your wisdom. There are days when I wish I could be a little more Heavenly minded, as the world's cares tend to crowd my thinking. But I strive to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus, no matter what storm is raging around me. Blessings!
You are the second voice saying the same thing today. This life is a vapor for sure.
This is another beautiful heart reminder. Cares, concerns, difficulties and even joys can capture my focus so quickly. Time alone with my God directs it back. I find it a fine line between being too heavenly minded for life here, and too earthly minded that my focus is not on my wonderful life to come. I do think it is a very special and rare compliment that your mother would give about your dad. And you know what? I would venture to say, that now that our dads are both in heaven...they would confirm that it truly is the only mindset for living this life, being heavenly minded. Well written my friend.
Sonja! This was beautiful! Loved what your mom had to say!! The scripture from Isaiah out of the Message really stuck home. I too want to keep at it and not quit. That would be the easy way out. Thank you for this wonderful reminder.
Sonja, came by for another read and to give you a ((((Sonja))))
Powerful sharing Sonja. The older I get; the closer I become to the LORD and the more I focus toward heaven but while on earth I keep my eyes on JESUS and my heart and hunger is to glorify GOD for whatever time left here but oh the day to awake at HIS feet...Amazing Grace for sure!
Great message of encouragement and wisdom!
Love you.
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