One night when I went to tuck the boys in and was ready to say prayers with them, I found them both on their knees by their beds with their hands clasped, praying. I asked them about it. With sober faces, they told me...
The neighbor boy across the street had found some Playboy magazines in his dad's closet, up on a high shelf. He took them down, and collected our 2 boys to come and take a furtive look at these magazines.
Our boys were full of guilt... they knew better!
After they looked at the magazines, our 2 boys took them out into the woods and dug a hole and buried them... That was what they were confessing on their knees that night.
Several nights later...
There they were on their knees again. I asked about it, and with big sad eyes they said..."we dug them back up!"...
...and before you react with either a smile or maybe even shock...Isn't that just like us with sin?
We do it with our own sins, and we do it with the sins of others!
We confess it, we get forgiven, or we forgive someone who has wronged us, and it's buried, 'as far as the east is from the west', and then our minds begin to think about it again, and we go back and dig it up...
'maybe it wasn't so bad'...
'it really didn't hurt anyone'...
'she should never have done that, she deserves what she gets'...
you know what I mean...
I can't tell you how many times I've thought of this story through the years, it's a snapshot not only of 2 little boys, but of God's very own children... us.

"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." (Gal.5:1)
Thank you so much for this it will be a good reminder to not dig up what I planted in faith.
I was on the comment page and there was a picture of Corrie Ten Boom and I read your post, she was in your living room? That is so wonderful. When I was in high school she came to our town and spoke and I got to see her but from way up in the bleachers. I have read her books over and over through the years, thank you for all of the quotes
they are some of my favorites and so many are in my thoughts all of the time, like holding on to tightly to things.
You have met in person all of the people who I consider my spiritual mentors and people I patterned my life after but I only met them through books. So glad you pass on your visits with us. It makes my day.
Yes and Amen! Also a reminder of how the Spirit convicts us and then we justify. Oh how much I have learned from my children and still am.
This is a good word for me today, thanks for sharing.
Sin is still sin through all the generations.
Oh how guilty of "digging up the past" I have been over the years. It is just soo true isn't it? Wonderful lesson and thoughts here. Have a wonderful day! HUGS
Dear Sonja,
I did actually laugh. You are so good at telling stories, just the way I have read your father did.
I bet people couldn't help giggling at his meetings too when he shot bull's eye with his one-liners.
I did , however, get the point and it hit me deeply.
I have even in my youth promised the Lord, help me out now, and I'll never do this ( I think it was about tobacco) again.
And then I dug it up again.
Nowadays I just ask for help, knowing I have nothing to offer in return.
I admit there still are sins I keep digging up, like being too outspoken without thinking through the consequences of what I am saying.
Amazing grace; the Lord loves me, and he still hasn't stopped teaching me new lessons.
From Felisol
This is wonderful Sonja! You hit the nail on the head with me. Guilty! Gal verse is perfect!
This is perfect, just perfect. I know that feeling of "digging it up" all too well, and it makes me want to cry.
This is the second blog that I've read this morning to touch on the subject of how God's children act. It's clearly a message He wants me to read.
You are right. We all have dirt under our fingernails.
P-E-R-F-E-C-T illustration!
I must confess: I chuckled (but only an itty-bitty bit) over the story about your boys and their worldly exposure (good choice of words, huh?). I was raised in a family of girls, so we didn't have stuff related to boys in the way of temptation. BUT, you can be sure I found other things that acquainted me, and re-acquainted with my sin nature.
Who said it?: "Sin will take you where you never intended to go, cost you more than you ever wanted to spend, and keep you longer than you ever intended staying." (Could have been my mother ....)
Great and fitting story!!! Thanks for sharing....
Isn't that just like us humans? We can't seem to let things lie, we have to dig them up again! thanks for the reminder not to pick them up again, but leave them at the Master's feet!
You are so right, Sonja! I have been guilty in the post of digging up sins I had buried. *Ouch
Definately food for thought Sonja....
oh, what a great post! yes! i have been guilty of this - digging that past sins up when they should have stayed buried deep!!!!
Well, friend, let's face it, we are all "diggers" when we should just leave it, as the old folks used to say, "where Jesus done flung it." :)
Great story!!
I did smile Sonja...laughed out loud actually, but oh what a great analogy! I will remember this next time I go to digging.
Amen Sonja, that is such a great comparison, we do this with our own sins, dig them up, why on earth do we do this? God says they are buried in depths of he sea, why dredge them up, they are as far removed as the East is from the West, now that is far, no matter how far East you go, you will never be going West...This was very good, and I really enjoyed your blog today. My first time, but sure will be back. blessed in his love, Barbara http://bakinnbitsbarbara.blogspot.com/
this is a great lesson for us all. i love that it is really freedom
to set aside the sin, but we never feel like that while we're
wrestling. once we choose, there is life and hope.
i'm glad the tornadoes have passed on by, but i was so
worried about poor joplin getting clobbered again. we had
a watch party last night and carried all our paintings to the
basement. NOTHING happened. it was like insurance.
if i put on make up, then i know i won't see anyone i know at
the grocery store!
Nice post! Have a great weekend!
Sonja such a timely post. Faith is what it is all about. I needed this encouargement. Blessings to you.
Oh how me and Satan love to dig up all my MANY past sins. Praise God that He has cast them as far as the east is from the west and remembers them no more! Amen!
Oh Sonja - sometimes truth comes with a smile.
Yes, how often I am the digger - determined to try to re-visit something "just one more time." Thank goodness, the Lord is patient and merciful - and He forgives us no matter what.
Great lesson...
I think we fancy ourselves treasure hunters when in fact, too often, we are but grave diggers.
Powerful story.
Experience teaches us so much throughout life, amazing story, and so so true. Thanks for sharing with us. Have a blessed weekend, Lori x
OH MY GOODNESS. That is quite poignant and I see that my husband came and eloquently expressed his thoughts too! DEAREST, THANK YOU FOR COMING TO PARIS WITH US!!! Yes, comments sometimes FLY OUT and Blogger has had some issues this week. So glad you came by and again this story is something to REALLY CONTEMPLATE! BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY, Anita
A snapshot that will preach. It has stood at the pulpit of my heart this night! Thank you for sharing.
I can't express all that ran thru my mind when you wrote " we dug them back up." I had this revelation in my spirit. It was an instant hit. Even though your boys are men now, I felt a sorrow for their young minds - polluted with such trash at such an innocent age. This is proof that the spirit of lust knows no age or boundary. Your boys were compelled to dig them up again - just like all of us are compelled by the spirit of lust the moment after it knocks on our door - and we open it!
I am seriously burdened by this word picture. Not that you shared. It holds an awesome truth. But it burdens me to think of a world full of 'little boys' facing the same truth of which you speak.
As I said, I can't even begin to express what this has stirred in my spirit. So much so that if the Lord wills it, I will try to address my stirrings in a post on my page. If I do, would it be OK if I shared parts of this post and linked back to it here?
Again,thank you for sharing. This is an article that makes a HUGE statement. The power behind Sin is very real.
blessings to you and your family.
Patrina <")>><
On point! Time and again we've all been there with the burying, repenting and digging up again the same sins over and over.
My head is bowed low at His feet even now...
Thank you for the strong challenge and encouragement through this powerful sharing!
I love you friend.
Oh my goodness! Yes, that is exactly how we act, including me at times. :) I keep digging it up and then repenting. I want to keep it buried forever.
A great story to illustrate a powerful spiritual principle.
Love you sis,
PS. Btw, I am so glad to be following with my comment below Lisa Shaw; love that gal
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