I was mulling on the very fact that I was created at all...
I wonder if God said... I'm going to make a 'Sonja', and here is what her life will look like...
And then I wondered... Do I look like that?...
I know that He had specific and clear plans for what I should be. I know that He planted gifts in my life that He meant to use for His glory.
Am I using them?
Do you ever have those random thoughts, and suddenly you know they aren't so random?
I wonder how close to His blueprint for my life I am living.
I'm telling you... these thoughts came to me out of the blue, and made me head straight to my computer before I forgot them...
I know one thing for sure!
God did NOT accidentally flick His fingers and throw us into this world, and since then has waited around to see how we would turn out...
He isn't that kind of God.
He knew from the very beginning who we would be and what the design of our lives looked like... to the last detail.
What He does wait for is our response to all that He has invested and promised to us.
Our lives were formed with purpose and meaning, and to bring glory to His name.
Now you know why those 'random thoughts' have bolted me upright, and have my full attention...
I know deep down in my heart that God created me and gave me life. Today... that thought from His heart to mine has both riveted my attention and reminded me again that all of my life is His gift.
I want it to be used the way He intended, every day, so that one day when I come face to face with Him, He will smile in recognition and be happy to see me.
Like my dad used to say... "May I be known at His throne".

Needed this.
Hello again Sonja, your post reminded me of Psalm 139, a favourite of close friend, she's forever quoting from it, you can read it all, of course, but the verses that parallel your thoughts are: " 13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be." May the Lord watch over you today, love, Lori xxx
PS Lovely words from your Dad, very wise!
Some very good thoughts here. I have had very similiar ones in the last couple of years. I wish I had thought about it more when I was younger. I think just too busy living life with lots of kids. I am longing for the words when I arrive, "Well done, good and faithful servant." I love your dad's words btw. Hope you are having a great long week-end!
Amen and Amen dear friend!
Thank you for sharing your heart with us. I love what your Daddy said. "May I be known at His throne."
I'm thankful that God created each one of us with divine purpose. Our job is to get busy living it fully, humbly for His glory.
I love you and I'm so thankful the Lord allowed our paths to meet.
That is a very nice reminder and I love the picture. I had a aunt who worked for a photography studio and her job was to hand color the pictures just like in yours. It cost extra so your parents must have thought you were worth it.
Have a lovely day
Psalms says that He formed us in the womb and He knows every thing about us! Whoopee! I'm so glad He loves us!
Great post, Sonya!!
Loved your dad's quote!
Yes, this was a very timely message. God is really working in my heart lately. I find Him whittling me down, emptying me of my SELF - opening up the way for me to truly be used by Him for HIS purposes.
You have said so well many of the things on my mind lately. Maybe ol' Westmont Warriors just think alike!
i love that thought - 'may i be known at the throne' - that sums it up my friend!
What a wise man your Dad was, ' To be known at His throne." Lovely post Sonja, there is always something special here for all of us.
Happy week my friend,
P.S. I'm waiting for you call to show you around the neighborhood!
Yes and Amen...a cry of my heart this morning, "To be known at His throne." Also that nothing is by chance or mistake. Even when I think I have messed it up He is there working out His plan in my life.
Sonja, when God created you He created someone very special. I can attest to that. You have been such a wonderful friend and sister and spiritual mentor to me. I thank God that He created you and brought you into my life.
Love you,
"I want it to be used the way He intended, every day, so that one day when I come face to face with Him, He will smile in recognition and be happy to see me."
That's exactly what I want, Sonja.
I have been having some very similar thoughts lately, but you expressed yours so well.
I've taken a little computer break to sort out my head. I'm glad I stopped by here to try to catch up this morning.
I want to be known at the throne!!
I loved catching up today! So much to chew on in these posts! I especially like this one, as I seem to continually struggle to 'find my place'.
"Known at the throne..."
I love this, Sonja, and of course, I've had many similar thoughts over the years; am I living up to the "trust" I've been given?
I'm a work in progress as are we all; we'd do well to remember our overriding purpose for our earthly tenures. To know God and to make him known. I carry that in my heart this day.
Such a beautiful, precious baby! I'll just bet your Mom & Dad smothered you with kisses & hugs?
Yes, like you I have random thoughts pop up and then proceed to plague me for days. I don't, for a minute, think they're entirely random. Something tells me the Lord loves to captivate us with His love. How wonderful that He did so with you, and with this particular body of thought!
Dear Sonja,
You look like a doll in the photo, so cute, so adorable!!!
OK, I love your honesty and sharing about your thoughts
because they are very important ones. It's those kind of random thoughts that always seem to linger in my mind, and for good reason, they seem to nudge me a little deeper each time, examining myself in regard to my relationship with Christ.
It's so amazing how powerful thoughts can be, and again, thank you for sharing yours because now those thoughts are in my mind :o) and
thats a good thing.
"May I be known at His throne".
God bless you,
Your random thoughts have been a blessing to this pastor's wife who cannot sleep tonight. Thank you, Sonja!
The thoughts you posted are certainly not so random... they are serious enough to be posted on blog world so that the readers are encouraged and prompted by them to start searching their own hearts.
Thank you for obeying the prompting, Sonja.
God has planned for each one of us, yes indeed.
The picture of you as a little girl is so precious!
Very creative to start with a baby pic! What a little doll she was/is! Your post shouts to me and immediately I recalled the scripture in John where Jesus teaches us to abide in Him and we will bear much fruit. I know that you are an abider. Drawing close to Him with you!
you are so wonderful, and THIS is your best post yet.
i imagine you are fulfilling your blueprint so well, that
the Lord is saying, "look at her."
Amen! To be known and loved by God is an amazing thought. Thank you Jesus for making that possible.
Oh Sonja...we are on the same wave length! I have been pondering on the AWESOME thought that I was put into existence and have been given a shot in this life! And this is it. I have been given a soul and no turning back! WE WILL LIVE FOREVER IN HIM, BECAUSE OF HIM, THANKS TO HIM! Now that is mind-boggling and yet comforting. THANK YOU FOR YOUR VISIT and kindness! Anita
I am so glad I found your blog......Your thoughts today are words to ponder and I have many times but you made me think about it from a different perspective....Thank you.
I an now your newest member and I look forward to getting to know you better.....
Sonja - So glad that God thought YOU up. :)
Have a wonderful Sunday evening. ...Marsha
Beautiful, Sonja! I'm so glad you reprised this -- and that you joined my Olympic challenge. Now I've found your blog!
I am so thankful too that God created me as I am, although when I was younger, I was not satisfied. But now, I am so thankful:)
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