I remember when I was growing up and I wondered what on earth my spiritual gift or gifts might be. I knew what my parents gifts were, but was much less sure about any that I might have.
I know now what gifts God has given me. I also know what my gifts are not. I am not a teacher or a speaker or a singer.
The gift that I am certain God has given me is the gift of encouragement. How do I know that?
I know it because encouraging others is as natural as breathing to me. I also realize that I have done nothing to deserve this gift, it's simply what God designed me to be and to do. The spiritual gifts that God give us are woven into our lives. When He created me, He knew I was to be an encourager.
Another thing about gifts is... when we are using our gifts from God, WE are blessed. We know He is using us, and it brings real joy. That's how it is with His gifts... they are meant to be used for His glory, and when they are, it helps someone else, but what it does for us is just as important.
When God creates the gift, it always blesses both the person it is used for, and the user.
These days, I am asking Him to show me new ways and more ways to let His gifts in me be used for His purposes. I know there is more that He means for me to do.
God's gifts are free, they are also extremely valuable, and His gifts were designed to be given away, over and over. His gifts are the real meaning of the 'gift that keeps on giving'!
To know what your gift is and to freely be willing to use it is indeed a blessing. My gift is also that of encouragement and I have found when you are a willing vessel God will give you plenty of opportunity to use that gift
Amen, amen...you are God's cheerleader and I always leave here encouraged.
Benjamin has been asking about his gifts...isn't that funny at age 6 he wants to know? I think his is an encourager also, he always points to the the creator with his cheerful outlook on life...we sure need a lot of encouraging!
Thanks for sharing
I think we have more in common that I even thought. NOT a singer over here, NOT a speaker, NOT a teacher, and NOT real crafty either. ; ) But I definitely LOVE to encourage others. I haven't thought about it much as being a gift from Him, as it blesses ME so to do it. But your soo right of course. The ability to bless others HAS to be from Him! Have a wonderful day! HUGS
btw...I would definitely consider you a teacher, as I have gleaned so much wisdom from your posts!
What happens if you sing? I confess that I've thought of you often as a teacher. The gift of encouragement...that's a good one!
It seems every one wants a gift that puts them up front.
It thrills me to see you have one that does not even
require a degree. Praise God.
You have been an encouragement to my self many a
Keep it up sister. God bless you for it.
Well of course, He gave me the gift of a great singing voice!
I KNOW that he gave you the gift of encouragement because you have been an encouragement to me more than a few times, Barnabas. You ise your gift well. I wonder if that's why he gave you that beautiful smile, too?
I think He gave me the gift of compassion and intercession, and just as you said, I am most blessed when I get to be a prayer warrior for others.
Hi there, Like so many others, I too feel like the Lord has given me the gift of encouragement but there are some other minor gifts in there as well. I always wanted to know what mine were too. I always feel encouraged, uplifted, taught and I appreciate you for this.
Hugs, Noreen
to be an encourager is such an important part of the body! thank you for doing this in the name of our Lord!
You definitely have the gift of encouragement. You have been a major encourager to me. And I thank the Lord for you and I thank you that you are using that gift to bless others.
Love you sis,
you must be His favorite encourager! we
certainly love and appreciate you. i am
disappointed that you're not a singer,
though. :( we could have sung a 'mean'
I feel that He has given me the gift of encouragement also, but not sure I have put it to it's fullest use in my life. What a lovely post and what an encouragement you are, even through your blog postings.
Blessings abundant!
Well I can certainly say "amen!" to that!! Not only is this timely reminder spot on, so is the FACT of your own gift. How do I know? Because I've been recipient on so, so many occasions.
Mine? Is sick humor a gift?
Dear Sonja,
I have indeed been blessed by your and your sister carol's gifts of encouraging.
I also think you have the gift to see each individual's good and positive talents and such encourage to nurturing the good instead of condemning the faults we all have.
I know that you have made me feel special for no particular reason, other than being myself.
I am forever graceful for that.
Your text also made me look to myself. Do I have any particular gifts.
I kind of felt a bit poor then. God has given me much and blessed me richly,but I often fall, and cannot bravely say I am gifted.
I went for a couple of days, reflecting over your words, and then these freeing words came to my mind. (I don't see good enough to read in my old Bible for the time being, and you know, one's Bible is like an extension of oneself, a part of my spiritual body).
Nevertheless I got the word and I looked them up in King James Edition. 2 Chor 9:8 "And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:"
That means I can also run God's errand, He will provide me with what I need, day by day, situation by situation.
Grace upon grace.
Oh Sonja, how true. And I think that especially when we have a relationship with God that matures with time, we finally understand what knowing that gift within us is like. For me, it is the JOY and the EASE and like you say, the NATURAL tendency to do a particular thing that gives joy and encouragement to others. I finally know what my gifts are and that is in the arts: writing, artistry, speaking, and teaching. But like you, I AM NOT A SINGER!!! I am a dancer however, and when I danced, the audiences would literally be lifted up. Hence, the JOY OF GOD must be issued out of the giver, who with his/her enthusiasm, unfolds the gift before the recipient's eyes.
Thank you sweet friend for coming to visit with me yesterday! I look forward to this visit with my friend; she has become a believer and we have MUCH to discuss!!!! Anita
Hugs to you dear friend.....
I am grateful for all His equipping otherwise I would not have much to offer, but with Jesus, He not only gives us the gifts to give, but opens our eyes to see the need!
You are an encourager, Sonja, and you have blessed me so many times with your words of grace, love, and blessing. Thank you for so freely exercising your God-given gift to grow his kingdom. I pray to be a better encourager of others.
Hey Sonja~
You do have the fift of encouragement!!! I keep coming back to that post you did about the "Something Wonderful" plaque! God brings it back to me over and over as a reminder of what He's doing in the midst of the difficulty!
I praise God for your heart to encourage those you meet - here in blogland and in person where you live! I hope one day we get to meet this side of heaven!
But if not - when we meet in heaven I'll be the one running barefoot in the snow with the blue and black butterflies with square wings following me as I dance with JESUS for the first time!
Living in the fullness of JOY,
God has truly blessed you - I enjoy your work, too. Hebrews 6:10 ESV "For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do".
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