I've found that...
Too much
can become a slippery
I want my thinking to line up with His thinking, so...For every look around us, the last look should be to Jesus...
Keep it vertical! (One of my dad's one-liners)... always looking up!
...and here's what God says HE will do when we do that..."Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee"...
The quicker I get to the Lord with EVERYTHING... the better off I am. I end up there anyway... and the process is much less difficult when I go to Him FIRST!
That's it.... just random thoughts today...

It may have been a random thought, but no better one for this gal who is prone to her pondering and her worrying!
Perfect peace...
Only at the feet of Jesus. He is our Peace.
Sometimes we all "think" too much! I am trying to keep my focus on the LORD.
Sweet Friend,
If these are random thoughts, then I say "WOW". I love your father's line "Keep it vertical" that line I will remember. This is a very inspiring post and I am right beside you as that is where I want to be as well...taking EVERYTHING to Him first...divine peace that only Jesus can provide.
Love you,
Love those random thoughts!
love and hugs~Tammy
Sometimes the richest of thoughts come in one liners and snippets. They're a whole lot easier to read too!
I've gotta add "Keep it Vertical" to my collection of sassy sayings. That's great!
Perfectly Vertical and stayed on THEE!!! This is one of my favorite memory verses from the KJV that I have had posted on my kitchen sink for over three years.
And the last part of that verse in
Isaiah 26:3
"...because he trusts in Thee."
Choosing JOY, Stephanie
JESUS ONLY in 2010
Excellent. Love the "Keep it vertical." Hope I can remember that.
My life would be so much simplier if I gave it to God first. But I am an anilizer so the thought stays with me way too long.
Dear Sonja,
that is a great one liner. I will make that my goal for today... keep it verticle and go right to Jesus!
Keep the random thoughts coming.
Love you!
That's a beautiful thought, Sonja, one that is surely lined with God's thinking!
I am still in the process of learning about His ways, and sometimes I have to confess I am baffled. He'll say something or show me something that really blows my mind. And it's always about His love. I guess I just can't believe how awesome His love is!
I'm guilty of too much introspection too. I think things to death! Thank you for a good word and reminder to rest in the Lord and just turn things over to him first. Don't think, just give it to him.
Well, I often feel I keep it horizontal, flat bellied so to speak.I know I need Jesus every second of my life, still I am like the stubborn child trying to do things on my own.
If the vertical connection is good, I hope I can stand taller myself too.
From Felisol
Hi Sonja,
I love this post, it is brief, direct to the point, and it says much in just a few lines!
It never ceases to amaze me how God can use even our random thoughts to bless and encourage others. As I read this beautiful post, I was reminded of how many wasted hours of life I spent worrying instead of trusting. My dad would say to me quite often..."why trust Judy, when you can worry." Even though I did not always like when he said that, I knew in my heart it was true. A needed reminder for me today, along with a gorgeous skyscape.
Hi thanks for dropping by!
I've attended a few affairs in Manila years ago with Harold and Darlene Sala as guests, and have read some of Harold's books. But I don't know them personally.
It's a blessing to have met you, Sonja. It feels like our hearts beat for the same things.
I join the host of would-be vertical thinkers! With the grace of God, that's my intention.
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