One day I was on the internet and wondered what a 'blog' was... I'd heard the word, and that was all I knew. So I did a search on blog, and it took me to 'start your own blog, free and easy'!.. I put in the bare essentials of information, and in just a couple of minutes, I was looking at my own blog! So naturally, I felt compelled to write something and see if it worked...
I thought I would put in a few things from time to time and save it for my grandkids... and quickly it became the thoughts and prayers and journey of my own heart...
What I didn't know, and couldn't have foreseen in 100 years, was how valuable and precious the new friendships formed here would become to me. The way God has used so many of you, to bless, challenge and encourage my own life. I love to be an encourager... it blesses me, and I want my blog to be a blessing to those who read it.
I was thinking of all of my blogging friends and thought of a bouquet of flowers, each one different and each one special...
There are days when my faith is challenged by what you have written, times when an email or comment left have encouraged my heart, and times of just being lifted up and blessed by what you have posted. There is a lot of 'iron sharpening iron' going on... There are new friends and new needs voiced by so many, that have become a part of my prayer life and it has been so rich to share these times with you. And often, your blogs are like a benediction at the end of the day... a bouquet in my life...
So... I'm curious... what lead you to start your own blog, and what does it mean to you???

P.S.... My husband just walked in and said "I think I'll write a blog... on how I lost my wife after all these years... to the internet!"...
Sonja, I love your story of how you came to blog. I think mine was sorta of accidental as well. Curious about the world of blogging I did what you did, tried it out and so enjoyed the friends and fellowship.
I didn't have a real purpose but it seemed that most of mine kept being about God and it just kept going that way and I thought, OK, this is what you need to be doing...writing about God.
I too, hope that others are blessed, maybe even learn something occasionally; I know I do. So many people have touched my heart through their stories.
I think my blog has become an extension of me, with the creative side of it, and a way to share my faith.
Sonja, you've come to mean so much to me. I treasure your friendship. Who would have guessed that a blog could bring people together like this?
I started my blog as an experiment as I was helping my husband in his internet company. I was in charge of social media and learning all about it.
Heart Choices began as a heart health blog but over time the Lord spoke to my heart about other areas as well. Heart health relates to body, soul and spirit. I've been on an exciting journey with the blogging world. And as I've been stuck at home online, the Lord brought wonderful friends into my life. How cool is that? Yay God.
Love you,
You are a blessing to us all! Actually, I started a web page back in the mid-90's...nothing but links to favorite places because blogs weren't even thought of then, although you did find occasional on-line journals. As time progressed, the web site evolved into other things and then to a blog. It's just a place where I think out loud...where I connect with others...share common interests...where I hope I can bless and where I know I am blessed. I did make the decision about two years ago to become more open about my faith...not from the perspective of trying to teach or 'tell it like it is' but one of my own journey...the moments when God blesses me with a profound thought and the moments where I am struggling. I never want to come across as thinking I have it all together...I don't. I am a work in progress. I do some things right...but I mess up more often than not. I think if we try to project that we are perfect, we are doing a great disservice to nonbelievers because they don't think they can do it...not realizing that neither can we. We are saved by God's grace and daily being formed into His image. Final perfection doesn't come this side of the veil. If it could...then there would have been no need for Christ's death. I think we also do a disservice to other Christians when we try to project that we walk a perfect walk. I just want to be real! God bless you!
I'm so glad you responded to that "call" to blog, no matter how seemingly accidental it was. I'm CERTAIN there was, and is a grander purpose.
I work admidst a lot of young, tech savvy pastors who were talking about "blog this/blog that" some time ago, and I decided to investigate. What began as dabbling (I didn't want them to show the oldster up), became a reticent activity (August of 2007) - and primarily for the sake of my grandchildren.
I didn't have one solitary comment for almost a year!
I'm so glad I just kept at it. Look at the amazing world we get to share!
Your blog has been a blessing to me. I enjoy my visits, getting to know you. I love how God has brought us together to encourage and share the Truth.
I heard about blogging at a SheSpeaks conference in 07. God started to nudge me after that and I thought you have got to be kidding because I don't write.
But He made it clear that he wanted me to share my story (God's Story). So as they say ...the rest is history. Oh, I hear those same words words from my husband, too. :)
love and hugs~Tammy
that's what my husband said at first. now he gets such a kick
out of it. it just took me a while to get used to the computer!
i started blogging, because my daughter's friends kept asking
me child raising questions. i was going out for coffee with
young moms, visiting their sunday school classes, etc.
one day i thought if these young women are so desperate for
encouragement, there are probably others on the internet...
the funny thing is that my first followers were all older women
like myself, some who never even had children, some who were
openly agnostic. the other funny part is that i had never read
a blog before i started blogging (except for bits my daughter
would show my of the pioneer woman)
we never really know what the Lord has planned for us.
I don't have a blog but don't DARE give up yours cause your sister Carol Joy wouldn't know what to do if you did. It means the world to me and I love your blogging friends as well, I check into theirs too. I thank God for yours and theirs, my life is so enriched and encouraged by the friends out there, we really do need each other!!!!
Carol Joy
Oh I love your story and your ending. Has your husband found you yet? LOL. I came over for TSMS and thought I would stay awhile. I was intrigued by your profile. You said some things I would have liked to express to the younger women. Like you I am a grandmom and so I have passed those ages myself. I started my blog by accident when I stumbled onto blogs just after Christmas I was looking and Chirstmas decorations and found BooMama's Christmas blog tour. And after visiting for a while I was hooked. You expressed my feelings too I have been encouraged, lifted up and challenged too.
Thanks for sharing your heart. It was really nice meeting you.
My intentions were purely selfish. I'm writing a book, and a publisher told me that I need to start a blog to create a buzz.
So I did. I had no idea I would meet so many beautiful people here! And you know something? I haven't written much at all for my book, I'm finding so much comfort and friendship with beautiful people like you, that I my book dream has gone to sleep...for now.
Thank you for the bouquet of beautiful flowers. When I started my blog a few years ago, it was at the insisting of my daughters. I had done some seminars(only locally) on subjects like quick and easy gift giving, recipes, hospitality, and decorating, and they said I must share. They each have many friends who were starting out in their married lives, and others, and they felt it would be helpful to them like it was to my daughters. Up until that point I was computer illiterate. After much prompting from them, and the skilled patience of my oldest daughter, I began my blog. Never did I dream of what was ahead for me in this pursuit. I thank God continually for the blessings involved. Somedays it is difficult for me to define my blog. When visiting others it is easy to lose sight of the object of your blog, but then I am reminded of how much I appreciate all of the different blogs out there, and I keep on my original pursuit. I have a very special place in my heart for the young married women and mothers in my audience, who are creating a home, raising children, learning to be wives, and all of this often on one income. After 35 years I have learned a few things, and maybe I could help them in a few areas. All of this said, I am totally blessed by everyone out there in blogland, and have learned far more than I share.
I am sure this is far more than you wanted to know, but maybe it has helped me to define my purpose for this adventuresome area of my life. Sonia, you and your blog continually are a source of encouragement, inspiration, and hope for me and so many on our journey of life. I look forward to my visits here. And, I do think that maybe my husband will start a blog with the same title as your husband's blog:)
I'm late getting my comments in, Sorry. First, your husband is so funny.
2 reasons:
1. This is awful but I did a search on how to deal with your mother in law. A woman's blog popped up and she had such encouraging words it helped me so I thought maybe this blog thing will help with some issues and it has. Mostly importantly the friends have "met" give such good advice and can't give up blogging.
2. My sister started one to make money so I did so I could supplement our income. So far I haven't made any money, but that's okay. I learn one day.
Sonja, what an inspiring story. What a blessings to be able to share such truth of this woman. Much blessings to you dear one. Thank you for your continued encouraging comments to me. Blessings always!
Loved your hubby's comment. Your pic reminds me of that star mom from Brady Bunch--the name fails me right now though );..
thank you for your thoughts on my blog. So glad God led u here to minister for Him.
Love, Sita
A topic of my great pondering these past few days... ever since I read an editor's comment about blogs being "an incredible waste of bandwith" that most of us would better off to just journal our thoughts rather than putting them out there for everyone to read. Then I read another gal's post about how prideful we can get with our blogs, and know I'm just undone about all of it... questioning some things about my blogging, etc. Don't mean to dump it all on you, but I'm bugged about it, might even write a post about it, but not sure what I would say.
I started blogging so that I could have a place to paint my thoughts for public consumption.
I'm so glad you started as well.
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