For at least half of the year, we would have a brown sack full of fresh avocados delivered to our front porch several times a week. Every day after school I made a sandwich from those firm, fresh avocados.
To this day... I LOVE avocados! My favorite way to eat one is on fresh bread with mayonaise and a little salt, just sliced and enjoyed. I still have those sandwiches nearly every day during the spring and summer when they are so fresh and yummy! Add a handful of fresh berries and lunch is healthy and fun!
Just a side bar...
Avocados are not only delicious, they are so good for us. I love it that something I love to eat is also good for me, unlike a million things that aren't!
Avocados provide nearly 20 essential nutrients, including fiber, potassium, Vitamin E, B-vitamins and folic acid. They also act as a "nutrient booster" by enabling the body to absorb more fat-soluble nutrients, such as alpha and beta-carotene and lutein, in foods that are eaten with the fruit.
I just finished my first avocado sandwich of the spring season, and it was yummy! Many more to follow....

Oh I just couldn't agree more! I LOVE them, and put them on and in almost everything. From my eggs/omelets, to sandwhiches (all kinds including alone) to salads ans just as a side on my dinner plate. Sooo yummy. And yes, sooo good for you. I am having to give them up right now as they are a little high in calories and don't work very well with weight loss, and I am DEFINITELY missing them. ENJOY yours...HUGS
While I have not yet had my first avacados of the season, I love, love, love them on just about everything except choocolate chip cookies.
And I could be persuarded to give even that a try!
Good post! Have a great day - marsha
You learn something new every day. I had no idea that people put avocados in their sandwich! I have just recently started to LOVE avocados. In fact, I didn't even try one until a few years ago. What a sheltered life! But now I buy them regularly, and eat them...plain. If it took me this long to try an avocado, can you imagine how long it will be until I try an avocado sandwich?
I'm not sure I've ever eaten one. Who knew?
Oh, that's one of my favorite sandwiches
for sure! And yes they are so good for us.
I also love hummus and alfalfa sprouts
Oh we have been eating them too around here..for health reasons for my hubby. Aging is bringing a whole new life to healthy eating!
Yes we join you in enjoying avocados...I have three ready to be eaten tonight!
Oh got an email with pictures of the lavender farm in Fredricksburg...the fields are purple...now I have got to get in my car and go, they are calling me!!
You sure bring back the memories. I grew up in Glendora,
just a ways east of Pasadena. Dad was a pastor - so we
were poor folks.
But with about a dozen avocado trees in our front yard -
you know the story.
Like them best sliced in two. Salt, and with a spoon eat
right out of the shell.
Thank God for avocados.
I love Avocados too. I could eat them with just a bit of salt. I also like apple slices with them.
I met a lady from the Philippines and they put them in the blender and make milk shakes out of them to them they are a fruit. They think it is gross the way we eat them for a dip. :) I love different customs and eating.
I love guacamole, does that count? I make the best guacamole around. I had never heard of making a sandwich out of them, but I love them in salads. I'll just have to try that the next time I buy some. Enjoy eating yours!
I'm going to have to try your sandwich. I've always thought avocados were a little bland by themselves, but then I've never sprinkled salt on them. ;-)
I have never had an avacado sandwich. In fact, I've never even heard of one. My mother-in-law makes a great salad with oranges and avacados and I can't remember what else.
Since moving to AZ, I've used avocados in salads but never had an avacado sandwich. I must try this as you are a trusted friend.
Much love to you sis,
WE love our avocados. We especially love them on salads or on soft tacos. Oh and we LOVE guacamole! I will have to try it on a sandwich one day.
Thank you Sonja for sharing on avocados. I may have tried one one time. Blessings.
Never had an avocado sandwich; that's new to me!! I love them on salads!
Love avocados! They are a main staple in our toss salad every day.
love and hugs~ Tammy
We eat them all the time on our salads and I know they are very good for you. My daughter has been feeding them to her daughter since she began solids. But the taste is so different from anything else...that's what I like!
Wow, I like information about healthy food.
Daughter Serina has bought those very exotic fruits, but I never knew what to do with them, or that they were so full of must have stuff.
I will buy some next time I see them in the grocery store. (They don't come cheap, being freighted all around the world, but I am all for tasty food which doesn't make me put on weight..)
Sonja, up until about two years ago I wouldn't go near an avocado and now...I can't get enough of them. But, that is the case with many foods. I have a ripe one in my kitchen right now!
Growing up, I don't recall ever having seen an avocado, much less eating one. I'm not sure where I was introduced to them, or how I acquired my taste for them, but suffice it to say that I'm now hooked. I mean ... doesn't quacamole belong atop EVERYTHING!?
Oh yes!! You're a girl after my own heart. Just slices of avocado on bread - mayo and salt!! Maybe it's a California Girl kind of thing!
It's also not such a guilty pleasure - because they are so very nutritious. And though they're high in fat, it's the GOOD kind - so GO GREEN!
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