Along the journey, we had many nights in motels. Sometimes it was a real 'motel'... sometimes it was one of those little cabins that were clustered on all the major highways.
In the back seat, as the day got long...the 3 of us would be road weary and we began to chant together... 'if you want a ca-bin... you better hurry up!' Our voices chimed in and said it over and over, reminding our parents that we might miss out if we didn't find a place to spend the night soon.
Now we were all on the lookout for the next small town, to see what our overnight quarters would look like. From my perspective today, I wonder if my parents were as thrilled with some of those motels as we were...
Isn't it wonderful what a sense of adventure kids have, about most new things? In looking back, I have no memories of either of them ever grumbling that it wasn't a 5 star hotel!
That reminds me that one time my parents flew FIRST CLASS to the Orient as part of Bily Graham's team for an upcoming crusade. My mom had never flown FIRST CLASS... she told my dad..."NEVER will I fly anything but FIRST CLASS again, it's so wonderful"...
We laughed about that for years, as it turned out that was the ONLY time she ever flew FIRST CLASS!
So the motels along the way, while they may not have been FIRST CLASS, provided rest for the journey, and we were all together as we traveled along... I think a lot of those places are gone now, and if they are still around, the years have taken their toll.
I still see an old motel once in awhile and I'm immediately back there in that Ford Fairlane, feet hanging out the window, going down the road...

I love when you share posts about those days. I also remember motels like the ones you describe. We used to drive to Florida from NY to visit my grandparents. We'd be on the lookout for an inexpensive motel. Some of them had a machine next to the bed. If you placed a quarter in the slot, the bed would vibrate. We kids thought that was too cool. LOL
Love you sis,
I loved this post. It made me teary, smiley if you understand what I mean. Childhood memories are priceless and I am so thankful to have my storehouse full. Thanks for a lovely post.
Blessings, Debbie
This one hits home because you described the kind of places we often stayed in our little family journeys. I know the cabins well. They were the kind of thing that was just up my alley.
So were the campgrounds, and we did a LOT of that, too.
I have thought so often about the adventures my parents gave us growing up. Oh how wonderful they were, and as far as I'm concerned they were 5 star.
Your "Dad Preached" posts give me a longing. I can't quite describe it, Sonja, but they do.
Dear Debbie,
I have the most wonderful time driving along with you.
Your Dad sure did a wonderful job for Jesus bringing his family along the way he did.
I know from experience (some of my cousins)how easy it is to leave the kids back home and become all engaged in the preaching work. Your Dad sure must have been one in a million ministers.
How your mother had deserved that first class trip!!
I think she must have had a lot to plan and worry about while you were out "on the road."
Dear Sonja,
I read Debbie's comment, and got confused. You know from the comment it was you I was thinking about.
Hugs from felisol
my family's vacations were just like that, too. all we ever cared
about was whether or not there was a pool!
it is hard after first class, to go back to coach but reminds me
of paul's scripture "i am content with much or little."
Oh how I remember those little motel cabins too. I haven't thought about those in years...We didn't do much traveling when I was a kid though...maybe because there were 6 of us kids. But the ones we did I remember well. Your right too, when your kid it is all just a giant adventure...I am sure it was a lot harder for your parents. How wonderful that they did this.
What fond memories and this one certainly brought back a few of the memories of the we used to stay in! Love that picture!
One of our friends own a hotel just like the picture you chose. We would bug our dad for one with a pool, since most didn't have pools we knew if he didn't get there on time we wouldn't get to swim.
What wonderful memories and yes, I guess we all forget the grumbling...both kids and parents.
Another wonderful post on your life.
What wonderful memories, Sonja! My mom used to live outside of Chicago - and she had many relatives in California. She remembers many cross-country trips across America on Route 66. We retraced part of that journey one summer - and my favorite thing was all the quaint little motels along the way!
I heard a spiritual lesson in this - whether it be a 5-star luxury resort, or just a little worn-down cabin - God always provides rest along the way!
Sonja - You do such a great job of evoking those memories! I, too, recall little cabins like those, with linoleum floors (that were never clean enough to suit my mom) and sagging springs on the beds (long before box springs), and sometimes even hot water! :)
Blessing to you - Marsha
SONJA! Oh how I have fond memories of traveling with my parents from Los Angeles to Baja California or out past Oxnard with the ENTIRE FAMILY in a caravan of campers. The memories are strong, for deep emotions such as laughter were involved. Inexpensive motels, but the fun of being out in a strange bed made us kids just LAUGH and enjoy the ride.
ARE YOU FRENCH? Your TANTE Marin.....THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY BIRTHDAY BASH DEAREST! HOw kind your comments are.....next week, I have more blue paradise to show, so get your tutu on!!!! LOVE Anita
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