This may never be a problem for you.
It became a problem for me.
I found myself spending way too much time looking at your wonderful blogs, commenting, and just scooting around and loving the reading. Some of you are just plain GIFTED! When I got started, it was hard to stop!
As I sat in my office, I let the time go by enjoying myself fully, when what I NEEDED to be doing was to use some of that time to whittle my shape into shape!
I needed to get back on track...
I have spent some time working on that. I also have had more time to seriously have my quiet time in the morning, rather than put it off while I did 'blogging'...
Haven't you found that when you are spiritually in tune, the lifestyle of better eating and fitness is also more in tune?... And having said that, please know that I stumble on both paths WAY more often than I should.
So here is what I have come to... no big spotlight of wisdom, just a little more common sense in the spending of my time. There is NO WAY I am going to lose this amazing group of blogging friends... NO WAY! You all have become such a part of my life, as you share your hearts and thoughts. I learn from you every day.
But... I am also committed to a better and clearer focus on what my days hold. I sense so strongly that time is flying by... I can't ONLY sit and read your blogs!
So maybe the real title of this post should have been THAT word... balance.
Does it tilt you the wrong way sometimes, or are your scales always plumb?
It's a word God has used in my life a lot, and this is one more of those times.
I think, hope, pray... that the distance between His reminders is growing.

Dear Sonja,
I believe in balance. Family, friends, food (physical as well as spiritual).
I also believe in peace and rest wherever one best can find it. Hiking, praying, I believe the good France of Assisi combined the two, so did in the 1850ies Hans Nilsen Hauge, famous for lay revival and even being imprisoned back when only theologic ordained and educated priests were allowed to preach the gospel in Norway. (You might want to ggogle him).
We have such an incredible amount of freedom to spread the gospel, but only few are taking up the hard everyday work.
I will miss reading your family story and everyday preaches.
Nevertheless, you have to eat to be able to preach.
Hope I'll have a place in your prayers.
From Felisol
How important balance is Sonja! I too could spend hours reading my favorite blogs. And I love to get to know so many amazing women. Since I started working full time, it's been so hard to keep up. But I don't want to lose these precious friendships, including you. I hope blogging friends understand when I cannot visit them every day. I've been encouraged and loved on by many and for that I am so grateful.
As you know, you are one of my very favorites Sonja. After all, we're sisters!
Love you and I think you are so wise.
I'm sending a link about Hans Nilsen Hauge in Norwegian. maybe you can find a way to get it translated. He died in 1824.http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Nielsen_Hauge
Love felisol
My dear Sonja, I have been thinking about this very thing. I have put off doing some things, because I so enjoy all of the blogging friends that I have made and enjoy reading what they have to say. But balance is the key to anything in this life. We all need it! I have missed you. Thanks for sharing that with us!
I was thinking that just today. When I first became a Christian I didn't open the newspaper until after my devotions. I was thinking I need to make the rule for myself now. Spend my time with God before I turn on the computer because once I start visiting with all of these wonderful ladies I love, I end up doing that and not spending time with the Lord. I am glad
you were so open about it. I need to get back to that again.
OH and I am so glad you are back, I missed you and thought about you the whole time. :)
Balance is a good thing. I'm glad to have you back, even if it is only a few times a week!
I have missed you Sonja, but I totally understand! You are wise to reflect on this and make this decision. From the other comments, I think that we all struggle with this. You are setting a great example for the rest of us.
Oh my dear, dear friend. You have touched on a nerve here for me. I still am able to figure in my work out, blog and get to work at least 1 1/2 hours before school starts....but it is quite taxing at times. I SO AGREE that I have developed relationships that mean so much to me, THROUGH BLOGGING because bloggers WANT TO SHARE, unlike in the physical space we occupy. But blogging has shaped another facet of my being that all the treadmills in the world could not do. It has begun to shape my writing abilities, my communication skills. It has carried over in how I conduct MY DAILY ROUTINES....and luckily, I have a 55 minute drive into work that allows me to pray in quiet...so you are RIGHT...balance. Balancing out your carved out time, using it wisely and USING blogging and all the skills it offers in order to GIVE BACK what you get. THANK YOU for your visit; it means a lot to me that when someone reads my work, it does move them or make them smile. NOW, back to your main page...I have to see that darling little man who had to take TIME OUT! Teeeeheeee...is that your grandson? Anita
Spot on! I've been doing the same: assessing priorities and how best to use my time-resource. I can't believe how much time I fritter away - and that on top of my always reminding myself how important it is to be intentional. Ugh!
If ever there was a day when drawing near to God is vital, that day is today.
Rest assured I'll be back. You're NEVER a waste of time :)
Wow! Isn't tht the truth? That balance thingie is just tough. And I always seem to be about half a bubble off plumb. Yeesh!
My treadmill has been looking at me with a jaundiced eye lately. Thanks for a healthy reminder. Good to have you back. We missed you. ...Marsha
Every blogger goes through this; I know I have. So I'm right there with you Sonja, waking every morning to prioritizing my hours. I love it when I can afford to spend an hour or two reading blogs and catching up with you all. I am so grateful for your friendship and love reading your blog.
I absolutely spend too much time on the computer, putting off the other things I really like to do and should be doing. I have thought about deleting my blog, but like you, I have made friends and don't want to miss their sweet comments. But I do need to balance my time too. Thank you for this.
Yes it is words of wisdom...like always, you just can't help it, it pours from you.
Balance...well my goal this week is to walk around with a watch and time things...so I won't use the excuse I don't have time...it will allow me to see where I am off balance...so your words are confirmation of what I was hearing.
Sonja, it is always good to hear from you. Really! That quiet time is important. I too have noticed I am lacking in that area and need to return fully. Hugs to you.
This is pure wisdom!! I miss my bloggy friends but then I miss my quiet times, family, organized home and workouts too... life is a constant juggle. Some days easier than others. Thanks for popping by today!!
(The video was old; I turned 40 in Nov. but am still hoping to plan a party later this summer... so your belated birthday wish inspires me to keep trying for that girls' night!! :D)
i knew you would get a HUGE response from this. we all
struggle with this balance problem. are you really going
to try to blog and jog at the same time? can't wait to see
what you write.
"hey girl (puff) friends! (puff, puff) i . . . oh darn i forgot
what i was going to say!" :)
in all seriousness, maybe we should try to hold each
other accountable. no blogging until AFTER devotions
and cleaning the kitchen and paying the bills and writing
thank you notes!
see why blogging is so fun?
Balance - such an important lesson that the Lord wants to teach all of us. I'm afraid that my scales are often tilted too far one way or the other. And all too often, I find myself weary and discouraged.
So, I agree with you - it's very important to attend to ourselves - body, mind, and spirit.
And, I need God's help in all three!
As for blogging - I'm asking for the Lord's guidance in that area, too. Still feel led to do the writing I've been doing, but also need to plan so my life isn't spent in front of a laptop!!
God takes us all through our paces on this one; I get it. I don't always know what to do about it, but I completely understand. Here's looking for the balance as well.
I have no clue how I missed this post until now.
I am in the exact same place. I'm trying to find a good balance too. Please pray for me, and I'll pray for you as we strike that balance together.
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