Dedra, his mom, and Tommy, his dad (our son) had the joy of leading him to the Lord...
In an email, later, Dedra said:
"We wanted to let you all know that the BIGGEST BLESSING OF ALL happened tonight! Crew asked Jesus into his heart !!!! He just turned 5 years old February 1st and now he can celebrate his 2nd BIRTHday.Thank you Jesus!!!
Tonight as we were saying bedtime prayers he began again to ask many questions and talk and talk about Jesus in detail.He explained the life and death and resurrection of Jesus and how you ask Him into your heart and WHAT that means in such detail that I told Tommy...." I think he just might become an evangelist!"
He asked if he could ask Jesus into his heart. So Tommy, Crew and I knelt and prayed. He prayed with Tommy and afterwards asked to pray on his own. He said "Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross for my sins and thank you that you came into my HEART!"As I tucked him in he said "I am a real Christian now Mommy and I can tell all my Friends about Jesus!"AMEN Crew! AMEN!!!!!"...
Tommy will have the joy of baptizing both Crew and his sister Lainey in a few weeks. Trust me... there WILL be pictures to share!!
What a way to begin the week. Now all 6 grandkids have accepted Christ and are being taught how to follow Jesus.
"And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children." (Is.54:13)

Oh Sonja, I am filled with joy to hear of one more added to the Kingdom of God. What joy to know it is your granchild! I get chills every time I hear a testimony like this.
Keep living that light filled life in front of others Sonja. I love how we can plant seeds of love. Some plant, some water and we all get to hear about the end result. Or I guess it's really just the beginning, right? How very exciting!
I'm so glad I get to share in your excitement for this most important moment in Crew's life.
love you,
Oh! What joy!!! Our two younger grandchildren were baptized last year, and I sat there with tears welling in my eyes. Sonja, how wonderful the hope that our family circles will not be broken in Heaven!!!
That is so wonderful Sonja! Can you imagine how many angels in heaven rejoiced at that moment?!
Hugs and blessings to you and your loved ones.
I had the privilege as a Mom to lead each one of my children in receiving Christ into their hearts. My oldenst grandson, Justin, asked Jesus into his heart just over two years ago. He is now 6 years old.
I'm not sure what is more joyful - when your own children come to faith in Christ or when the next generation [our grandchilddren] come to trust in Him.
Now comes the hard task of discipleship in little Crew's life. I don't envy parents in this society and present culture - but it can only be acomplished through much deep committed prayer for those little ones as they grow and learn.
Father God------------
Would You grant Crew a deep understanding of your Word - even at his young age?
Would You plant Your character traits in his heart?
Would You lead him to repel sin in his life as he faces the choices of our society?
Would You give him a heart for the lost?
Would You bring godly friends into his life?
Would You develop a daily prayer life in his little heart - even now?
Would you allow him to be giving - and have a deep desire to help those who are less fortunate?
Would you mold and shape his life to be holy as You are holy?
I ask all these things with expectancy that You, Father, will accomplish them on his behalf. In JESUS' Holy Name, Amen and AMEN!
Praise the LORD!!! I'm weeping with joy and what a beautiful season and timing for Crew to have received the LORD's gift of life just for him! Love it!
Thank you for sharing with us.
What a beautiful family and I welcome Crew into the family of God. May he grow up to be a mighty man of God.
Your are one blessed grandmother.
We rejoice with you.
what a perfect way to wrap up
palm sunday! so precious.
hey grandma, you have a new
little brother!
In my mind, there is not one thing greater to blog about than this. What exciting news!!! What a beautiful family you have and God's blessing of real joy over this little one's heartfelt prayer. I will love to see the pictures of this memorable event.
this would be so much more fun with a
cup of coffee. :)
thank you for your wise counsel. my
sweet husband feels the exact same
way. i am just right sizing like you
said you had to do.
the short break will clear the cobwebs
and renew my purpose.
i'm on my way out the door to go visit
two of my girl but when i return in a
day or two, i will send you an email
with the details.
ha! just what you wanted, huh?
Sonja, what a joy and blessing for your whole family! Praise God!
A good day. I, too, have had the privilege of praying this kind of prayer with all my children over the years. How thankful I am for the foundation I've given them and for their willing hearts to receive!
Blessed Easter indeed.
This is Good News! God bless you and a special blessing to Crew.
dear sonja..i just read this testimony of your grandchild..and it brought the tears to my eyes when i read how bubbling over he is for the lord.
oh that i was still like that! i remember the night that i was saved and talking to the lord seemed just the most natural thing to do but alas as the years have gone by, so many times i have just taken the lord for granted and that shouldn't be!
i am glad that you put the little lad's story here and i am sure that he will not say no to jesus if he asks him to be a preacher!
i really believe the little man has already started.
after all he has encouraged this 61 year old lady!!! god bless you and your grandchildren!
love terry
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