She has always been there, and she has been my best friend since we were kids together.
In our 'grown up' years, she has been like the flip side of myself.
And yet... we are 2 different people, each with their own thoughts and hopes and dreams, , but always on the same page in our hearts...
There is very little in our lives that we have not shared... verbally, emotionally, spiritually and DAILY! Oh the joy of a phone plan that allows limitless talking about everything and nothing!! I know for a fact that both of our husbands are extremely grateful for cell phone free minutes...
able spirit of giving, and a loyalty that is unquest-
ionable... always!...
While we were growing up, she was the obedient and 'good' sister... I was the 'independent' and mischievous one, while our brother just tolerated both of us!
There is not anything I can add to what she already means to me...
a sister like mine, is a gift from God. I didn't choose her, I had no choice in the matter, but if I had....
She would be THIS sister, no other!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the best sister in the world! (April 1st)

I love the two of you, even though we've not met in person ...yet!
Isn't it funny that I have a sister and a brother too? Three kids in our family too.
Love you both: Sonja and Carol Joy,
You are both beautiful, inside and out! I was blessed by your tribute to your sister.
*smile* What a great tribute! I am an only child, so I've not known what a sister (or brother) is like. Our girls were not close during their younger years, but once they were both out of school, they were so, so close and it was such a delight to see them so close.
No wonder I love you pieces: the "mischievous one!"
What a special sentiment for your sister's birthday. I'm sure you're a treasure to her heart, just as she is to yours.
May the both of you have many news things to share as your lives continue to unfold, side-by-side.
Precious Friend,
Such beautiful sisters you both are!! I know the loving hearts you have for each other as I feel the same about both of my dear sisters...a bond that can never be severed for it is made with such love and tenderness from the Lord and strongly secured by Him.
What a lovely post this is. It touched me deeply on a personal level.
Love you,
What a lovely post about your sister... I bet she would say you have the same wonderful qualities. I think you do!
Sonja, this is such a lovely tribute to your sister. The pics of the two of you are wonderful. Thanks for sharing them.
and you're both so beautiful! it is so wonderful
when sisters are the best of friends. my mother
is like that with her sisters, and my girls are the
Every woman who has a sister will enjoy this! I sure do feel this way about mine! May God reign blessings on your relationship.
You are both BEAUTIFUL and what a testimony of GOD's love that flows between the two of you. As one who does not have any sisters; I grew up with three wonderful brothers (baby brother is sadly deceased since 1994), but I've often wondered what a sister-to-sister relationship would have been like in my life.
I'm glad you both have each other.
Love you.
Happy wonderful birthday to your sister! You both are just beautiful ladies! I LOVE the pictures that you shared! Enjoy the day and tell her "Happy B'day from South Carolina!"
thank you so much for stopping by and encouraging me. I'm going through a separation and possible divorce from my beloved husband of 20 years. I do not want this. It is tearing me apart....but I can not make it any other way either. I'm crying out to Jesus and holding on tight...but some days I feel that grip loosening and I get scared. Your words were a soothing salve. God bless you!
Darling, beautiful women of God! So glad for the relationship you share with your sister. Even though I have a sister, we've never been close... at all. It no longer cause me pain to write that, but it used to, for a long season. Now I just pray for peace when we get together.
Blessed Easter walk to you and yours.
Dear Sonja,
Will you please send my greetings to Carol Joy. She left such a nice message on my poll-post, but I was not able to find her blog.
How blessed you two sisters must be.
Anyone who is writing so nicely about her sister for sure is a wonderful person herself.
About the poll; "The Old rugged Cross" came first, and that is so appropriate just this Good Friday.
You can also find titles to many Norwegian hymns, which sure can be found on YouTube.
Your sister likes Sissel Kyrkjeboe, and so do I.
What a beautiful tribute to your sister. Your mother would be so grateful to God, for the very special women you both grew up to be. I love both of these pictures. From one who has two wonderful sisters, and from the one who herself, was the mischievious one, I could totally relate to this post. And, after reading it, I realized again why I appreciate you like I do.
Happy Birthday to your pretty sister!
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