Yep... it was a 6-ring circus! Sleeping bags all over the floor, dolls, cars, footballs and kid 'stuff'...
I don't think it would be possible to love 6
little people anymore than we love these 6!!
We had stories, charades, played American Idol, and the youngest performed JESUS LOVES ME while our daughter was 'Randy" the judge and told Crew ... "Dude... I think you picked the right song, and you're on the right track!"...
I don't think it would be possible to love 6
We had stories, charades, played American Idol, and the youngest performed JESUS LOVES ME while our daughter was 'Randy" the judge and told Crew ... "Dude... I think you picked the right song, and you're on the right track!"...
They are such a joy! Each child knows Jesus, and knows that they are deeply loved, by their parents, grand parents and by our Lord Jesus!
Makes my heart happy!

Sonja - I just had to laugh at this picture and post. I had all 5 of mine here today and it was joyful chaos! My oldest is 7 and the youngest is 11 months. When the 2 oldest boys get together - ages 3 and 4 - it is CrAZY!!!!
And getting a picture of all 5?? impossible to say the least!
Love you grandmother heart - I love my grandyoungin's too!
These moments are the precious treasures we wrap securely in our heart, pulling them out when times are rough. They are the morsels that help pull us through! How sweet and what fun you must have had.
They are adorable. Grandkids are awesome! We adore our granddaughter and have one more on the way.
Hugs, andrea
Love the pictures. They sure look like they are enjoying their time at the grandparents!
love and hugs~Tammy
Oh my, I can just picture how much fun this must have been. Playing American Idol; love that. Were their songs pitchy? :)
I just wanted to tell you that I am meeting Sassy Granny (Kathleen) in less than two hours. I cannot wait and it will be the highlight of my week. I wish you could join us and then it would be perfect. I'll let you know how things go but may I just say that the Lord orchestrated this meeting. So how could it not be good?
Love you,
Isn't being a grandparent grand? I know just how much you love them, because I have that same love for mine. It's crazy! How does God make it possible to multiply our love, instead of dividing it?
My email is having a problem but I wanted to stop by and tell you that I loved Kathleen. We had a wonderful time at lunch and agreed that we wished you could have been there. We do have much in common and she was such an encourager to me.
Oh there is absolutely nothing like grandchildren! Aren't they wonderful? Glad you had a good time with yours!
It is a blessing in itself that the little ones all know Jesus. Thank you for sharing Sonja!
Hi, Mimi. Thank you for putting us on your blog. I love you! We had fun! Please tell Debbie that the songs were pitchy for sure and we danced more than we sang!
Love, Avery
I love you, Mimi. I had so much fun at your house! I hope we can do it again. Tell Poppa I love him.
Love, Cassidy
Sonja, they are so cute and you are so We had the two greats over the week end and I was worn to a frazzle. Love the pics. It looks like they were having a lot of fun.
what a beautiful circus!! what sweet blessings!! cousin time at grandma's is the best!!! Enjoy!
love you, lisa xoxo
My grandaughter(9) just informed me that next week is spring break so "I can spend every night all week long at your house". She spends every Friday night and most of Sat with me and her grandpa. We have become "kindred spirits" - like 2 peas in a pod she says! :) They just make yur heart sing, don't they?
Thanks for visitng my place this week, and for the sweet comment. I joined your place a while ago but forgot to put you on my sidebar - so I haven't been visitng, I'm sorry :0 - I'm putting you on now so, I can get to know you better. I see that we follow many of the same places.
god bless and enjoy those grandkids this week.
Patrina <")>><
His watchman on the wall
what lucky children to have such a
fun grandma! i am so going to steal
that idea when i have some.
especially loved the american idol
contest. so cute!
I chuckled just "listening in" on the conversation! What fun. We're looking forward to having one of our granddaughers with us for a few days next week. I haven't been brave enough to have ALL of ours at once (without their parents, I mean). Ours are a little younger than yours....
Your grandchildren are so beautiful...Aren't they just the best?
You all sound like you had lots of fun.
We have one staying right now with us until today when he goes home. He has been here since Thursday. Oh, I absolutely adore them all.
Love you,
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