Many years ago when my dad (the minister) was taking a walk with my then 4 or 5 year old nephew, my dad was telling him the story of Jesus feeding a crowd of thousands of people who had been listening to him preach. The people were hungry, and Jesus asked if anyone had something to eat.
A small boy in the crowd offered Jesus his lunch, a few loaves of bread and some fish...
Dad said, "Mikey, if you had been that boy in the crowd that day... would YOU have given your lunch to Jesus?
Mikey said... "Yeah, I HATE fish!"...
We have laughed at that story 100 times through the years. Sure... we are willing to 'give up' some things with a very sacrificial smile on our face, especially when it's something like 'fish', and we won't miss it!
It's the things that we DO value, and that we would miss, that sometimes we hold onto too tightly... one more time, I'm reminded of what Corrie Ten Boom said... "Hold everything in your hands lightly, otherwise it hurts when God pries your fingers open."...
"Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.” (Luke
6:38 NLT)

Oh Sonja, such wise words: "Hold everything in your hands lightly, otherwise it hurts when God pries your fingers open."...
As you well know, I'm learning that right now. I can use all the reminders I can get though. You are such an encouragement to me and I thank you.
Love you,
Such truth... I've said that as well, only not with those exact words.
Hold loosely even as you hold tightly to Jesus!
It is easy to give up something that we don't care two hoots for, but something totally different for the things we hold dear. Oh that God would help us to do as Corrie ten Boom said and hold tightly to the Master. Thanks for the reminder.
Love this story. Aren't we silly creatures to cling to things that will burn up in the end and take lightly the things that matter most...our treasures in heaven.
I enjoyed this so much! Thanks for sharing dear sister.
My love and prayers are with you.
I gave you a shout out on Heart Choices for thankful Thursday. You have been such a blessing to me Sonja and I thank the Lord for you.
love the corrie ten boom quote...just plain love her.
i lost you, because i didn't push that pesky 'follow'
it won't happen again.
i like you too much to not visit here.
That is such a wise quote of Corrie Ten Boom's. I especially needed it as a reminder on this night. I hope you won't mind if I post it sometime on my blog, as I really need to remember it!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend. God Bless!
Thank you Sonja for sharing. Blessings.
This is a great story. Out of the mouths of babes comes their real thoughts. My dad would tell all of us many times, "you can never outgive God". It sticks with me always. This post was a good reminder of the generosity of Him who owns the cattle on a thousand hills. Thank you for sharing.
That is a funny little story... and a great devotion from it.. children can really teach us things can't they?
Thank you so much for your kind and loving words on my post.
Blessings and hugs to you my friend!
Such a great story!
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