Whenever I take a new step into more fully abiding in Christ... instead of the immediate 'joy' and 'peace'... many times there are more trials and tests than before...
Here I've been given a new glimpse of Jesus, and desire more than ever to be fully obedient and yielded, and ...
Things start falling apart all around me... personal trials seem to grow, things that had never been a problem suddenly are irrationally out of hand, frustrations and testings take on a new level of intensity...
Some years ago, I had been praying for a deeper work of God in my life and in our marriage... later my husband said...'please tell me the next time you start praying like that, so I will be prepared!'... :) He was more than half way serious!
It's as though God was saying to me..."I love your new desires, but... 'are you sure??'... Let's see if you really mean it!... Usually, He sees something that needs to be changed or removed ...
I've come to 2 conclusions:
#1... when God is doing a new thing in my heart, many times it comes hand in hand with some new testing or trial.
#2... it's worth every bit of it!
This life is speeding along faster than I can keep up with... I keep praying these words in my daily life...
Trust and Obey..
Don't waste one more day!
I've already told you I like one liners... but this one has surfaced so many times that I know God means for me to listen and learn it!

Blessings Sonja, Love this post-it reminds me of praying for patience-the Father delights in bringing us into more maturity. But it is all worth it, every trial and every tear.
Hugs to you today.
A word in due season. I feel God is blowing a fresh breeze on me at this time, while showing me what I need to deal with...preparing me during the pruning. There is excitement even with the knowledge that usually there is quiet before the storm, but He is there in the storm.
Blessings as you continue growing closer to Him and enjoying the fruit He is placing in your life...fruit you will hand down to others through your blog...Yea, I will receive that fruit!!!
In Him,
that is a great and scary message. i love your husband's
the truth is, the sweetest place is walking closely, in
obedience, trusting Him.
Sonja, I can identify with this too. And you know that 'trust and obey' has become my theme for 2010. We're on the same page, it seems but doesn't surprise me sis.
Btw, are you going to write anything about our Norwegian Independence Day tomorrow? I'm working on something but I'll have to write two posts tomorrow as I'm already committed to my "praying the names of God" Monday Morning Reflections.
Love you,
Sonja, I know just were you are coming from. I often ask the Lord for a deeper walk, so should I be so shocked by following trials? Still, as you say, yes, it is worth it!!!
Thank you for asking about our house. It has been one problem after another. We found out today there are issues with the paint job, and our issues with the insurance company continue.
Thank you for your prayers. God is faithful, and we trust Him, but we sure do need grace right now!
Much love,
Thank you for this timely message.
Yes, it is the way it seems to work. I think when you have new revelations as well, this happens. But God is faithful!
To ask for a closer walk is a prayer He loves to answer.
I’ve enjoyed looking over your blog. I came across it through another blog I follow, and I’m glad I did. I am now a follower of yours as well. Feel free to look over my blog and perhaps become one as well.
Yes...I do! HE is most definately worth it all.
Blessings, hugs, and prayers,
This post reminded me of a time when I was a very young christian and I started praying for patience...well, you can imagine what happened next! Yep! Tribulation came my way!(James 1:3)So I have learned to be "careful what I ask for"! :)
The Lord has recently been dealing with me about this issue of "trust" and "obey". One would think if you've been walking with the Lord a very long time, you would have that part down pat, but that is somewhat of a misconception about christians. If we, as christians, are to grow deeper in our faith for Christ, our faith must be tested.
I've read that Mrs. Ruth Bell Graham has engraved on her tombstone the following quote: "End of construction, thank you for your patience". I like that!
Your post is the "amen" to the devotional my husband and I read together this morning (which itself was simply an "amen" to God's Word).
Have a fruitful week as you walk in the Light. Trust and obey. Trust and obey. Like breathing in...breathing out.
Appreciated the post.
Short, to the point and at an
appropriate time for myself.
I can sooooooooo relate to this. The last time I asked God to change something specific in me... he did it , but there were turbulent times that came with it. Of course in the end it was all worth it and I really grew from the experiance.
love and blessings!
I relish all the peace & joy promises, but there's something about "take up your cross" that gets by me. What I do know is that I cling to the Lord more tenaciously when trials or trouble comes to call.
Still learning to be content in all things ...
My dear Norwegian friend,
Greeting you a happy Syttendai Mai, dear Sonja.
This post is one I could have written myself. When I ask God for something, sooner or later, like what you said, there are testings, trials, and I come to God with a plea to help me hold on and help me understand just what is going on.
Sometimes it doesn't surprise me anymore.
The bottom line is exactly how you expressed it:
Trust... and then Obey.
There is no other way.
I also loved what you wrote about Karen, WItt's mom. What a trial, and what a sweet photo you shared of her and her baby.
Thank you for sharing these things, and always sharing from your heart.
Your blog is always an encouragement to my heart.
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