Just imagine a gorgeous tree... full of fancy, sparkling fruit hanging all over it, but when you look at the tree more closely, the fruit is just stuck onto the branch to decorate it, to make it look good...
Those shiny fruits were placed there from the outside, so there was never any life to them, no depth, and no roots. They just hang there, and if a good strong wind comes along.... they fly away or fall off... they were never connected to the root.
Sometimes there is a temptation to decorate our tree on the outside, so we hang our fruit on the branches and hope someone will notice how special our tree looks...
The only kind of fruit that matters, is the kind that grows up from the root of the tree and into the branch while attached to the source of it's life. This is the fruit of the Spirit, and it is nourished from the root that gives life to the tree... God Himself.
He is the source of the life that produces fruit. It's His fruit that we all seek for our tree to be filled with...
There are names for these fruits...
self control
“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.
“(John 15:5)

thank you for reminding me! it helps me a lot when i worry
about the state of one of my son's heart. his fruit tells the
story, even if he can't bring himself to express what's in his
also, last night we were attending a reception/cocktail party,
i know . . . we have to sometimes. it truly is our mission
anyway, everywhere i looked there was dandelion fruit or
eye candy. i wore an outdated pair of black slacks and an
old ann taylor blouse (that i still LOVE.)
as i visited with different men and women, four different
ones had tears well up in their eyes. either i was being
mean or His Spirit was ministering along with me. :)
We're thinking the same thoughts, Sweetie! :)
as to your son... as with all of us, how thankful I am that God see's the heart.
Isn't it amazing how depth from the roots really does shine brilliantly of God's spirit within us. These are the most beautiful of ladies. Thank you for being one of these and I so enjoy your encouraging visits!
This is what I've been learning is the secret to peace and joy; abiding in Christ. But it's a moment by moment choice, isn't it?
I so want my fruit to come from the deep roots. That fruit can also bless others. You are so wise and so was your mother. :)
Hugs and love to you,
Oh Sonja, what a great post. The following is so true, I can contest to this many times:
"Sometimes there is a temptation to decorate our tree on the outside, so we hang our fruit on the branches and hope someone will notice how special our tree looks..."
Slowing being healed in this area where the only fruit that matters are from the roots.
Blessings dear.
How clever! I love the many & varied tools for keeping one's focus on what God has to say about living out our lives in Him.
My tree: It looks super except for the flashing-glitter-lights I hang on it now-and-then. I don't know why I do it, or what it's all about, but you can be sure the Lord presses in until I take them down. Ugh.
Hello, Sonja. Your post speaks powerful truth! It is too easy to focus on outward appearance and forget the Father's focus on our hearts.
I so want to be a real tree with real fruit for the real world I'm in. Thank God for His grace that can make me all I need to be!
Much love to you,
The fruit of the Spirit is what we all need to grow, you are so right. This passage is one of my favorites...
I'm glad I visited your blog place today, dear Sonja!
I've never heard it explained this way, but it makes perfect sense. What a great reminder!
I love your blog and look forward to reading more. -- Lou
Sonja, This is a great devotional. I want to thank you again for your words of wisdom concerning my weekend on the bikes... Turns out I am going... I will write to you when I get home on sunday...or monday and let you know how it went.
Blessings and hugs!!
As someone mentioned above...real tree, real fruit! My prayer is that I might bear more real fruit as each day passes.
Wonderful post!
What a wonderful post. I am now following you from TSMS and really love your blog! I will be back:)
So that, my brethren, ye also have been made dead to the law by the body of the Christ, to be to another, who has been raised up from among [the] dead, in order that we might bear fruit to God, Romans 7: 4. Rather testing!
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