Most of Witt's life to this point has been spent at 'Children's' Medical Center in Houston, he's had many more days and nights there than in his own crib at home...
His story is far from finished, but I can't begin to tell you what his little life and the family who has walked this journey with him, means to me. I have sat in amazement at one trial and emergency after another, when Witt's life seemed to hang in the balance, and watched his family boldly say that they were trusting God and that Witt is God's child, chosen and created by Him...
've cried with them, laughed with them and thanked God with them, and for them... over and over... all through the pictures and words they've shared during these months.

They have ministered to so many at Children's Hospital in Houston. I know for a fact that my friend Karen (a very YOUNG grandma, on the right here) could never spend all those days and nights (and she's been there, day and night!) close to Melanie and Witt and not share with those around her... her joy is infectious, and she knows the reason for it and knows those hurting families need the hope of Jesus. And besides... Karen has NEVER met a stranger! :)
Melanie, Witt's mom, is a picture of God's
love, as she steps up to the plate day and night, in a world that she knew nothing about prior to Witt's birth. I've watched the way she tenderly loves and cares for each of his needs, with a devoted and beautiful spirit, her heart for Witt is in her loving hands and always in her eyes!... His dad, Austan is a steady rock to both of them.

This last picture is my favorite! Double click so you can see it... a loving mom and her precious baby boy!

Great is God's faithfulness! The testimony of this precious family leaves me in awe of God's grace and glory! May the Lord extend his loving arms to them more and more. Praying this little one will touched by Jesus' healing hand.
Bless you, Sonja,
Praying for precious little Witt!
Sonja...when I first met you as one of our Zapp dealers I knew you were put there by God! Each show I couldn't wait to catch up with what God was doing in your life and of course share what He was doing in mine. He used you to strengthen me as I became show weary. Thank you for your post on Witt. Once again by your words I am infinitely encouraged!!!!
~Karen (or better known as Witt's grandmother!)
Sonja, what precious photos you shared of Witt and his loving mom and grandmother. She does look too young to be a grandma. :)
I'm sure that you are a blessing to this family too. We don't realize how easy it is to take good health for granted until we see what others go through daily.
Love you,
praying for this precious little one. thank you for sharing!
Isn't it so interesting how each person's journey is different? Day in and day out, this is where this dear family finds themselves, and then way across the country is me and my family, and we have the privilege of praying for little Witt and his family. Same loving, caring, leading Heavenly Father. Amazing Grace!!!
Thank you for sharing this. You words contained tenderness and deep compassion. My heart aches for the mother and dad as they walk through this journey. God's love certainly radiates through all of them. I appreciate your introduction to their blog. I appreciate you!
Wit looks like a precious little baby doll. I love this story and my heart praises God.
Thank you, Sonja, for sharing this precious little one's story with us. What a privilege to pray for he and his family.
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