Fear is such a robber and a thief!
Fear is the flip side of faith... faith believes, fear doubts, faith claims the promises of God and dares to stand on them!
Fear is one of those things that I am 'learning' to reject immediately. (Like my dad used to say... "Recognize it, and refuse it!...
If I don't... it begins to get a 'foothold' in my mind and robs me of peace. I say 'learning' because I still get tripped up by this one... it is a 'biggie'... it touches the very heart of what we as believers claim, that God is real and His word is true... and that all of His promises are as good as gold!...
There is no law that says I must entertain fear... but there are many scriptures that tell me not to! And every one of them is backed by the authority of God Himself!

Always a well of wisdom...thanks, this issue is one, among many, God has me focusing on right now. Always enjoy the wisdom of a Woman of God...thanks so much,
I'm working on it as well, Sonja. I've had plenty of occasions in the last week that have put my faith to the test. Some I've passed, but mostly I've failed. I want to take God at his Word and press through to victory... not just sometimes, but all of the time. It's good to know I'm not alone in my struggle. I like what your dad told you! Recognize and refuse it!
Amen. One night this week, I awoke gripped with fear..I had to pray, pray, and pray a lot before falling back asleep. I did NOT want to allow satan to take my eyes off of GOD. As you can see, I struggle, too. Doing my best to stay focused.
Blessings, hugs, and prayers,
This is so timely for me today. I have had such a battle the past few days with fear and anxiety. I think it would do me good to spend some time looking up those verses.
Now you're preaching!!! Like Cindy, I've been having my own battle with it this week, worrying about Mom & Dad moving here. Really stressed out one day!
come on, sista'! i testify to that!!!!
it's why i love "hind's feet" so well.
she's me: "much afraid"
and i am busted. of course, i did not
take the sweet robin's egg photo. it
would have blown up or something.
my brother took it.
my family used to say, "please stop
bugging us about your blog." now
it's, "look out, she's going to make
you take a picture for her blog!"
Sonja, amen! It's so easy to let fear take over our lives. I have always loved the quote "If we understand the power behind us, we will never fear what is in front of us."
Sonja, I had a very dear friend tell me once that fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. Key word False. I was going through such a difficult time and had a million "what if" scenarios. This statement stopped me right in my tracks!! I loved what you wrote here too.."fear robs us of our peace". What a timely word, sweet sis! Thank you!! Powerful truth spoken here today, and to God be the glory!! ((hugs))
two things: we had the sweetest, most anointed time of
worship tonight. it's been too long since i sensed His
presence like that.
and, i was rummaging through my blog file and found
a folder called "bits and pieces". i had literally torn bits
from newspapers that might be interesting, and of course,
completely forgotten all about it.
you're welcome to borrow any bits and piece for your
"bits and pieces."
I love what your dad said,
"Recognize it, and refuse it!..."
Such great wisdom!
You know how timely this reminder is for me.
Trust and obey and might I add NO FEAR!!!
Love you,
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