(double click to enlarge)
But doesn't it just remind you of the way we can be.... we pray and we ask God for specific answers, and many times, after they come... we want just a little bit more or maybe a little different...
Paul said in Phil.4:11 something that I want to be, but I know that many times I'm not... "I have learned, in WHATSOEVER state I am, therewith to be content.". (I live in Texas, where the story is that Paul may not have written those exact words had he been in Texas in August!)... No, he said WHATSOEVER state, and that includes wherever we are, whatever is going on in our lives, the seemingly impossible circumstances we face, or just the ordinary non eventful days...
Content... at peace, resting, certain of God's presence... in every situation, just like He has promised... another thing that I am seeking and trusting God for more of in 2010....

Haha! That sounds like something I'd say! LOVE cheesecake. Thanks for the laugh!
Ah ... sweet contentedness! Do you suppose we have to live a long time to figure it out? I know I sure did.
Loved the humor, too. Me, I'd have shown up with chocolate chip cookies, or apple pie. :)
I have found that in my life, contentment is contingent on my focus. When my focus is right and on my Heavenly Father and the way He is leading, then contentment sets in. When my focus is on me and my circumstances...really contentment seems to disappear. Great post and a loving reminder. I like the cartoon. I must admit I would have suggested some pizza instead of cheesecake.
Where I want to live my every day... content!
Good reminder.
True and encouraging words.
Hi Sonja, I have something for you on my blog today!
First of all, I loved that cartoon. Cheesecake somehow sounds more yummy than bread to a woman over 50; lol. But I really do desire to be content, no matter what my circumstance. And I'm learning that right now even though I'd rather not.
Love you,
That must be why I am so content
"certain of God's presence... "
Yes and Amen to that!
Choosing JOY, Stephanie
JESUS ONLY in 2010
:) Your post is a delight. I keep on striving towards my goal of freedom! Blessings to you dear one. Thank you for sharing!
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