I married a Texan! This happened in California, where I grew up. If you fall in love with a Texan, chances are pretty good you will end up in Texas! We did... And now I've been in Texas longer than I was in California.
One of the first differences I noticed when we drove across the border for the first time, was

that not everyone wore a cowboy hat and rode a horse! The second thing I saw was how flat it was and how big the sky was. I asked my husband that first few weeks, 'what do people DO in Texas on the weekend? There are no mountains or ocean!

So... very soon I found a big lake just east of Dallas, where building was beginning. I saw boats and water, and I knew that was eventually where I hoped we would live. Well, it took 20 years, but now we have been here for over 15 years and we love it!I know the 'water and mountain' thing is from both California, and from my Norwegian heritage. My mother was born in Norway and always loved the water.We live a few blocks off of the water, and a few years ago, a local developer joined with the city, which used to be a really small town, and built an amazingly beautiful waterfront area, right around our corner! I called the builder and told him I thought he did it just for me! It was almost like God brought my Southern California beach front right to my doorstep. I really love walking by the water, and there are restaurants and even a great hotel. So, our small Texas town has grown up! Here are a few pictures of our waterfront.
I'm a Texan now, and I love it, but a part of my heart will always belong to California... and Norway...

I loved this post and hearing your heart. You are my true Norwegian friend and sister. Water and mountains are in our blood, my friend.
I enjoyed reading about how you came to Texas. The Lord knew you loved water so how imaginative can He be? Your own local fountain.
I forgot to tell you that my hubby was born in Dallas, Texas. However, his family moved to Phoenix when he was about 7 years old. But he still loves Texas too.
Love you,
You are right - it is a beautiful waterfront area! I too am a native Californian but I absolutely love the Southwest. My husband is from New Mexico so I have spent my fair share of time living and visiting there :-)
If I ever had to leave CA I'd want all those things too. Now don't you feel sorry for me? I've been caged up in this little blink of an eye town all my life, waiting to try my wings and find a new nest. If God doesn't get me outta here pretty soon, I'll have to go without Him (as if)...
you're near dallas??? i'm only 4 hours away and ALL my family lives in BigD!!! we totally have to meet sometime
Sonja, how beautiful it is. For one brief moment I thought it was in San Antonio. I am glad God sent you a piece of California! Love the photos.
You live in a lovely place, friend. As for me, I'm a mountain girl. You can have the water, but the mountains just call my name. I grew up in the rolling hills of the Bluegrass (Lexington, KY); I have a ton of Texas friends, even dated a Texan once. I'm sorry to heart that not everyone wears cowboy boots. I have three pairs, and I adore them.
Thanks for your kind comment at the blog. I pen my heart because has filled it with his love and Word; there is no other worthy boast than Jesus.
Have a blessed Sabbath rest.
I'm amazed at the similarity in our two waterfronts!
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