And I brought in the new...
more like spring, a new and fresh look...
more like spring, a new and fresh look...
And of course, that immediately brought to mind what I am praying for in this year ahead... to throw OUT some of the old, lingering thoughts and habits, and bring in the NEW, FRESH things that GOD has in mind for this new year...
On this one, I like THE MESSAGE, it's very clear...
"My counsel for you is simple and straightforward: Just go ahead with what you've been given. You received Christ Jesus, the Master; now live him. You're deeply rooted in him. You're well constructed upon him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you've been taught. School's out; quit studying the subject and start living it! And let your living spill over into thanksgiving." (Col.2:6,7)
I especially like the part that says "quit studying (what I already know)... and start living it"...
2010... a fresh start!

I love this Sonja! There is wisdom in this for me too. Out with the old and in with the new.
Love you,
Well, I'll be! I LIKE that! Quit studying and live it!
I have to agree! Live it out. Great lesson there Sonja. I really like your copper pot and flowers!Good post. Blessings,
Rose in the new,
Thank you for dropping by my blog place today. What a delight to meet a new friend! Yes, I definitely agree. Out with the old, in with the new. That's what ne beginnings are for!
Will be back to visit you again!
Hi Sonja!
I love the new flowers.... hydrangeas? My fave!
Great scripture. New beginnings are so wonderful. I love that we are given a new chance at a new beginning everytime the sun rises.
Blessings and peace and love to you my friend!!
Gwen that one! For a long time I thought I needed to get more teaching, more sermons, more more more. And then it hit me like a ton of bricks - the Holy Spirit is my teacher! I already know what I need to know, now I need to get out there and DO!
How refreshing: the floral arrangement and the thoughts!
I love it when someone's clever eye makes use of something that might otherwise find it's way to the back closet.
The flowers look beautiful, Sonja! Loved visiting your blog...thanks for stopping by and commenting on mine! Blessings!
"Now live him..."
Couldn't say it any better! Love the bucket holding your plants by the way... makes me smile.
Amen Sista! It's beautiful! And we all going to be beautiful as new...Closer walk with our Lord! A new beginning...Looking forward visiting with you in 2010...Have a bless day! Katherinellen
So true! We need to put what we know into action!Great reminder!
How true! What a beautiful post! I'm ready to be "in action"- "in the Word!"
This spoke to me today, probably because it was from the Message. It was like God talking to me - reafirming me of what He showed me this morning. Ya know, when He tells you something and you wonder if it was really Him or me sort of thing. Well, this was the 3rd confirmation. He always gives me 3. So I think you for sharing and for putting the Message out there for me to grab on to.
Nice to find your site.
Blessings for being a blessing
Patrina <")>><
I had to come back and dig out this post again and re-read it. Lots of things I'm processing right now.
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