Luke 12:6,7 (The Message)
This verse always blesses me! I read it again recently. He knows the exact number of the hairs on our head.... He said so!
And... He thinks I'm worth more than a million canaries!
That's a love that changes everything! And it has...
I am so thankful that I belong to the God who created the whole universe, He is the owner of everything! And HE cares about the very smallest details of my life... and yours...

A lovely, comforting thought with which to close my evening. Thanks, Sonja. God's blessings to you and yours in the week ahead.
AMEN...Beautiful. I am thankful GOD loves me sooooooooo much!!
I often have to remind myself that the Lord is as interested in the little details of my daily life as he is in the big deal things going on around the world.
What a beautiful thought! And nice picture to go with it. I like the 'million' canaries visual...
Hi Sonja - thank you for commenting about Lisa's prayer wall. I have you down for 7:00-7:30AM, Central Time, daily. Would you mind emailing the prayer wall address (smithprayerwall@yahoo.com) with your location, or time zone if you'd feel more comfortable that way, so I can make sure I can place your name in the correct time slot? May the Lord bless you for your sacrifice of time and dedication to prayer! -Sarah
Isn't it wonderful? It's so good to be reminded of this Truth though. Thank you my friend and sister.
Love you,
What an amazing Creator we serve! Thanks for this today. Awesome word!
Amen, Sonja, Amen! What perfect words for me to hear today! Thanks for the blessed reminder!
Have a GREAT weekend!
Cindy :)
This verse is perfect for me today... Lately I have been feeling so "less than". Thanks so much!
love, Gwen
This warms my heart. Thank you friend.
Love and blessings!
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