I am a slow starter on some things. NOT on things that I just love doing, like a fun new project... those I do with lightning speed.... but on deep spiritual truths, I have dragged my feet and 'put off' or procrastinated many times instead of boldly stepping out and acting on truth I already know. That is what God is leading me to do... and it's stirring me into action. Action that says YES to God, not 'later' or 'I'll think about it'. It's time to DO it!!! I know that this message is from Him, it is backed by so many truths in HIs word. I love it when a lightbulb turns on, even one that's been flickering at low voltage.
Prayer is not even close to what it should be in most of our lives, mine included. When I look at Jesus life and his ministry, it was ALL bathed in prayer. Not the one-liners that I am so prone to, although He had those also. But everything in His life was preceded and surrounded by prayer!
I feel a new challenge in this area. I've been taught about prayer my whole life. If there was a key word in my dad's ministry... it was 'prayer'. He studied Jesus prayer life, he was filled with the desire to know God, and... he PRAYED! From my earliest childhood, I remember coming into dad's study, over and over, and he was on his knees in front of his desk... praying.
Now he is in heaven ... I am still here, and learning and desiring to know and understand more about prayer. The communication between Creator and his created... you and me. I know my dad would love that, and I am sure that God is directing both this desire and what He has to teach me as I 'step out' and move forward...
Praying, in faith believing!

Sonja, I am hearing this more and more, the sense of "do it now". It's almost as if everyone is receiving the same message....time is short.
I know I need to pray. Sonja, I was able to watch Anne Graham Lotz on the internet as she was the speaker in a local church here in Phoenix. What a blessing as she shared about personal holiness and how much we in the church need this.
Love you,
Yes YES, Sonja! Prayer is the ultimate instrument of change, in our lives and in the lives of those we're praying for. You have a great legacy laid before you with your Dad's heritage of prayer. I'm certain that it was God's will and plan that it be laid as a foundation for your own legacy too - for generations yet unborn will be affected by the prayers we offer today.
God bless you the turn of this new page.
Oh, yes my friend. Prayer is the key to communing with God! I love this post and I thank you for hearing from God and then sharing with us!
I'm on this very journey. In the past my prayer life was pretty surface, the one liner.
A few months ago God started placing things in my heart and life that He wanted a two-way conversation. I came across this book by Dutch Sheets, boy did that light my fire.
Then I was invited to be on the prayer team at church. I was asked just out of the blue!
Loved your post.
I've been feeling a stirring towards deeper prayer too. I think God is inviting me to spend extended time in intercession and prayer. Today He had me stop everything I was doing and pray for someone. I am praying I listen and obey quickly too. Warm blessings!
I too am a person that is prone to putting things off. I have in recent days, made a dillegent effort to pray more, seek and study more. And yet some days I still fall way short...
Way too often in my life I have found myself praying when others avenues failed. Embarassingly, I find myself falling short in the prayer arena. My dad is in Heaven also, and he too was a prayer warrior. He had a steadfast belief in the soverignity of God and I know it was because he spent alot of time talking to God. The more I grow to love God, the easier my prayer times become. What an inspiring and encouraging post today.
This is a very good word. I don't pray as I should, we are to pray without ceasing and sometimes I have a hard time getting started. Thanks for the prompting.
Blessings and hugs!
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