I had one of those yesterday.
This is my nephew's little girl, and she was having one of those days too.
I know, I know.... I KNOW it's not right... but that's how I felt yesterday.
Even the drivers on the road I was traveling, were slooow and in the 'wrong lane'...
Have you ever noticed that when your spirit is irritable and on edge, everyone around seems to be an irritant??
So... because I know better, and because He does not want me to STAY in that spirit... I went straight to Him, (well... not immediately, but quicker than I used to...) and got a 'personality adjustment!'
He is ready to hear us, forgive us, and change our attitude and heart!
The day ended on a much brighter note... more like this!
1 John 1:9 (Amplified Bible)
If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins [dismiss our lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness [everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action].
If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins [dismiss our lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness [everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action].

P.S... I am aware that today's posting comes right on the heels of my 'dad and Billy Graham'... satan was happy to 'trip me up', he will try to get us any place he can ... but I also know he can only go as far as we allow him to... another good reminder to be constantly aware of his tricks! I am also sure that sometimes it's just 'me'... and I am glad that God sees it all and forgives us no matter who started it...
Yes, we all have those days. The other night I was painting a bookcase that I want to put in my front bedroom and nothing was going right. I knocked over a can and busted the top on it, spilt the paint, on and on and on. Finally, I just had to stop and pray about it and things got back on track! He is the answer!
Sonja, thank you for your post today! What an encouragement to realize that I'm not the only one who has recently had "one of those days". Mine was on Sunday! Thank you for sharing.
I love those photos that tell the story so well! I can identify with you. I think we all have those days. I also agree that they often come after a high. It seems every time I've experienced a wonderful time of worship in church I come home to irritants in my day. Or having attended a women's conference for three days and the next day is just awful. I know when I'm tired, hungry or not feeling well ...those are the times I must be on guard.
I was telling my friend Helen about you Sonja. I hope she comes to visit your blog soon. She's my prayer partner but isn't a blogger. I told her that the next time I come to her house, I will get her set up with a photo and iGoogle account so she can easily comment.
Love you my sister. I'm so glad you know where to run when you're feeling out of sorts. You know though, that little one looks just too cute. Aren't they just precious?
Love you,
great word and encouragement. how predictable
is the enemy . . . after every triumph or personal
victory. . .miraculous healings . . . ho hum, it's
him again.
i'm with you, though i still trip, i am much quicker
to repent.
"oh victory in Jesus . . ."
I hear you loud and clear on this one. I often think if people irritate me, I can just imagine how I irritate them. :)
Dear Sonja,
I just heard on TV the other day a priest say;"Where God is strong, the fiend will also be, trying to ruin the work of God." The devil is there to ruin and steal. I guess I never get used to it. Like you I feel it like a defeat. It is not. It's the devil trying to trick us believing we've been stumbling, again.
It's then I quote Romans 8: 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers,
39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. "
I also must thank you for the wonderful post about Billy Graham and your family.
Billy Graham was my dad's hero. He visited Norway on a crusade in the early sixties, and a leader in the Norwegian Pentecost Church was his interpreter.
We read and heard on the radio. Back then we had no TV.
Just a few years later my dad bought a 16 volume edition about the History and Life of Mankind by Carl Grimberg. Imagine my dad's enthusiasm when Billy Graham got a whole page's review among celebrities like Napoleon and Caesar.
Of course we also listened to the records of Beverley Shea. I'd rather have Jesus...I still love the song.
Some day we'll meet in Heaven, then I'll tell my dad about Sonja, the girl who knew Billy Graham.
I totally agree. Everything and everyone becomes an irritant when I'm in an irritable mood. It's not very becoming but I guess we all have those days. I'm glad there won't be snarkiness in heaven.
Just think, someday we won't have to deal with bad attitudes anymore. But for now, I appreciate your honesty and realness in sharing this. Believe me, I am right there with you. These little ones on the pictures, are so adorable. Good post!
I like that you shared this day with us. It helps us all to identify with you. This attitude can catch me off guard and often when I least expect it. Your pictures were the perfect addition to this post. How precious the little ones are in these pictures.
Today, was my day! Thank you for your encouragement, love, and prayers!
Sonja, oh wow, I have had my share of those kinds of days, and the sad thing is, I had a choice to let it affect me or to just say "Praise God" no matter the circumstances. All to often I choose to wallow in the bad part and feel sorry for myself cause someone messed up my day. Thankfully, I am doing much better at remembering to give thanks in ALL things. Hugs!
I see what you mean (from your comment on my post....)I HAD read your B. Graham post. Was waiting to comment till I had more time. When my father was in seminary in Winona Lake, I was down in Billy Sunday Tabernacle many nights - especially at the Y.F.C. Convention! This would have been summers from approximately 1963-65.
I was wanting our daughter to name their son Will Graham (but their last name is Smith and she didn't want a Will Smith). In the end, I "got" a Titus Graham out of it - and I pray for God's unique and unusual blessing on his life. I collect all the B. Graham-related books I stumble on at thrift stores, etc. to pass on to him one day.
My father was not a traveling evangelist but a pastor. It was my privilege on Tuesday to hear him bring a meditation and read Scripture at a funeral of a 95 yr. old woman. Dad is 83.
Sonja, we ARE so blessed to have the heritage we have.
Confession is good for the soul. Last night I found myself confessing the entire day to the Lord because I had not recognized all that He was doing when He led me somewhere that I did not want to go - yet there was a surprise waiting there for me when I arrived. All my complaining suddenly washed over me and I was ashamed.
As I confessed - on the drive home a huge harvest moon appreared in the sky and a song on my CD in the car sang, "Come away with me, my love," I heard and knew in that moment that I was forgiven - and His fellowship was restored!
Choosing JOY, Stephanie
Yes and amen, and my day was yesterday. Today is living much better, thanks be to God!
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