BUT... I still love the old hymns of faith that I grew up with, and I don't hear them as much anymore...
Really... I think there is plenty of room for both, and for sure God's Word makes it clear that all music that worships Him is good...
When the drums began to take a more prominent place than the organ, I knew I was missing something that I love...
I do think that I have 'grown into' a lot of today's christian

Praise ye the LORD. Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints. (Psalm 149:1)
I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. (Psalm 104:33)
So today.... I think I'll make it a point to hum through the day... "Blessed Assurance", and then... "Here I am to Worship", and maybe "Give Me Jesus" to kind of tie all of it together...

One of my favorites of these types of cartoons is a Maxine-type woman talking on the phone and she tells her friend, "They're putting choruses in hymnbooks and projecting hymns on the screen. It's getting so I can't remember what I'm not supposed to like!"
There are some wonderful modern songs, but oh how I love the old hymns!
I'm right with you. I love the worship music but when I hear the hymns, I get two blessings. One, the beautiful words and the memory of standing next to mom as she praised the LORD.
love and hugs~Tammy
Great message Sonja and I grew up on he hymns and still sing them. Blessed Assurance is one of my favorites. I also enjoy some Gospel and Worship songs of today but there's something sweet about the music of long ago...
Come on over. You have a blessing GIFT awaiting you!
Love you.
I've always wondered...why do we have to be either/or! Everything is used by God. One old hymn that absolutely blesses me, especially when Vestal Goodman is singing is 'Rock of Ages'. One contemporary song that absolutely tore into my heart in the middle of some dark grief was Chris Tomlin's 'Great Is Our God'. It's just not either/or for me. Sometimes I wonder if there isn't all this dissension over the petty things because we're afraid to tackle the big things...the things that really matter to God.
It really is amazing how people get so upset over music. I love all different kinds of worship music. The old hymns are ones I grew up with and continue to love. But I also like many of the newer worship songs too.
I love "It is Well with my Soul" but I also love "God of Wonders".
Love you,
Personally, I prefer the old hymns because of the meaning of their words and because of the treasured memories of grandma and I singing them together while we worked. "How Great Thou Art" and " Blessed Assurance", are two of my favorites. However, I do really enjoy some of the beautiful and meaningful Praise and Worship music. It will be fun to see what everyone sings in Heaven. One thing for sure whatever it is, it will be worship of the truest kind... to our King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Sonja, this was great. I do prefer current worship songs, but some of the old hymns are as nice as well. Blessings.
I like it all, old hyms, new contempory.
I'm a Sunday morning, hymn girl. You can't improve on Wesley or Fanny Crosby... so rich in theology and devotion. I love praise music as well, but most like it during the week in my home or car. Some call me a fuddy-dud, but I don't care. Hymns are where I'm rooted, how I was raised, and they will always lead me to worship quicker than any rocking band...
I really enjoyed reading this article, along with listening to Don Moen sing an old favorite. I so agree with you, and actually wrote a similar article at SandwichINK :) Don't you love the way so many of the contemporary writers of praise and worship music are starting to incorporate both so wonderfully - like Amazing Grace coupled with My Chains are Gone by Chris Tomlin. It's such a joy to praise God in song in such a wide and lovely variety of ways. :) Thanks for a delightful visit to your site. :)
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