I'm joining with eLisa this week, over at Extravagant Grace, as we focus with her on Intentional Living...
One of my mom's topics when she spoke to women's groups was one I've been thinking about a lot lately...
I always know what THAT issue is in my life...
it's the one (or more) thing that trips us up in our walk with God...
the familiar area of struggle that keeps popping up in our life...
maybe it's a habit that was formed years ago...
or a behavior pattern that we know doesn't belong in our life...
maybe it's a grudge we are carrying against someone who has hurt us...
or the lack of discipline in our time in God's word and prayer...
or... too many trips to the pantry and refrigerator day after day...
or... a tongue that speaks too quickly and without thought...
maybe it's lack of faith, or 'giving in' to worry and fear...
or, filling our schedules too full ... 'doing a good thing is not always doing the best thing...
...and on and on and on...
We all have THAT issue... and we all need the healing touch of God to get past these issues, and to move forward into all that He means for our lives to be.
I'm 'preaching to the choir' here... as these are the very things He is speaking to me about, and it's always the SAME OLD things for most of us... remember, "it's the little foxes that spoil the vines"...
The good news: All that we really want our lives to be for God... He has already provided for us! His word is full of promises that cover every single need that we bring to Him.
BUT... obedience is required, one day at a time, but with genuine submission of our heart, mind and will.
This is a brand new year, and it can also be a brand new direction, as we choose to do it God's way... the choice is ours, the provision is His!"
"The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every though to make it obedient to Christ."(2Cor.10:4-5)
One more note, actually 2 ..."Whatever we keep back from God, the devil is sure to get!" (Martin Luther)
"There is a living God, He has spoken in the Bible, He means what He says and He will do what He has promised". (Hudson Taylor)
So that's my long blog for today.... I'll end with one more of her notes... to herself, and maybe to me....
"I love a finished speaker
I really, truly do
I don't mean one who's polished
I just mean one who's THROUGH!"
God and I have a few "that" issues to work on.
Many blessings to you in 2010.
love and hugs~Tammy
Oh yes; a little of this, a bit of that. I've got mine singled out as well.
I so appreciate intentional living. It's been a focus of mine for many years now, and I can honestly say my sense of accountability has grown tremendously. Besides, I've never been particularly fond of winds that blow me this way & that ("that" that).
AMEN and AMEN....FOR 2010!!!!!!!
Oh Sonja I'm so glad you stopped by and I've enjoyed reading your blog. I'll definately stop back by. What a testimony your parents have!!Blessings to you in 2010!!
I am still very much a work in progress!!
I have an urgent prayer request on arise 2 write.
I've got a couple of "that's" and it is my determined purpose to finally have some victory over them this year.
A great post, and not too lengthy at all. When it's chock full of such good stuff, I don't mind a bit!
Now this is loaded with incredible wisdom. Thanks so much for sharing and for the challenge! It is well heard today!
Whoa, my heart was pierced several times. Guilty...guilty...guilty. I definitely have some things to work on in this new year, by the grace of God.
Loved that last quote! Lol...
Dear Sonja,
This is a great teaching. Imediately I knew what my issue is ....there is a certain tv show I enjoy watching that I know I should not. I will work on it day by day... to find something else to watch or do. Thanks for this. You are such a blessing! love,
You crack me up..."That issue!" Yeah, I know what that issue is in my own life. Loved this sharing today it was great.
Thank you for visiting.
It is lovely to read about how you cherish your roots as well as your mother's spiritual wisdom.
Frankly, I guess that most of those that issues fitted on me.
I almost felt bombarded.
I am so old, I know I cannot change myself, and also that God's medicine may be hard to swallow, even if I know he has my best interest in mind.
Slowly I have learned that the Lord's prayer contains most of what I need to face myself, my neighbor and my God.
I therefor has begun to ask him help me forgive.
And wonder over wonder my weak prayer has been heard.
Likewise I pray help me not to do or be evil, and I hope for gentle help on this area as well.
Never a day without challenges being a child of God.
From Felisol
Hi, Sonja! Amen, and amen! How I want my Father to work on all those "that's" of mine!!! I'm praying for renewal and believing for a more sanctified life.
How inspirational you are to me! Thank you for your encouragement and prayers. Things are moving quite slowly for us at the present, and I imagine, with the cold weather, progress on our home may remain slow.
But God's grace is sufficient. He supplies our need of patience when we keep our minds fixed on Jesus!
God bless you, my dear, precious friend. I am so thankful for you! God is so good!!!
Much love,
***Bing*** Sonja, what words of wisdom here. Thank you dear one for sharing! I am a continued work in progress for my Lord to work on. Blessings.
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