I told you the funny story here of how my dad played word games with us as kids to help us stay interested and to learn the scriptures.
One of my least favorites verses growing up was...
"Be not weary in well doing, for in due season you shall reap, if you faint not."
The 2 parts I struggled with were...
"In due season"
"If you faint not."
I remember many times when dad would say:
"Be not weary"... and I knew all the rest by heart. He was reminding me of the truth of the verse with just those 3 words, and I kind of inwardly groaned, knowing the rest of it already.
"In due season" meant then, as it still does today... in God's time. It means to keep moving, one step at a time, even when there is no visible sign that what we are weary of is about to end.
"If you faint not" takes it a step further... keep trusting and going about our daily lives, and God will answer in his time and way... if we don't quit! We will reap if we don't give up. So often it is almost overwhelming NOT to give up hope when we are waiting for God's answers. It's as though we think there might be another choice.
When the rubber meets the road... we are to stand, and God will meet the need we are so weary of asking him about... if we don't give up hope. I have also found that he has met my needs even when it has been a very weak trust on my part, at best.
It's a call to remember that God is alive and well, and our instruction is to keep trusting and knowing that his solution is coming... to STAND firm on God's promises which we already know from past experiences, are worthy of our faith.
I have probably been reminded of that verse 100's if not 1000's of times through the years. I only need to say those 3 words... "Be not weary"... and I already am standing straighter and taller in my faith.
Why? Because I know that the solutions are coming, that his promises are true, and that a lifetime of experiences have proven this truth to me, many times over.
So now, many years later, I still may have an inward groan when I am 'weary' of waiting, but I know with certainty that the 'due season' is coming, and that I will not quit!