This past week has come and gone, but I can barely remember all the details...
I started out by going to see Gracie, and it was beyond special!! The days were cut short by a phone call... our son in law thought he was going to the doctor for indigestion or acid reflux... instead, he was directed to a quick appointment with a cardiologist and the next day had open heart surgery, 4 bypasses.
I've been back and forth, staying with our 3 granddaughters while he and our daughter have been in the hospital. So many thoughts...

1. The grace of God that lead him to the right doctor BEFORE a heart attack or stroke, which he could well have had.
2. His age, he is so young to be having this serious heart issue to deal with.
3. His age, BECAUSE he is so young, a few days after 4 bypasses, he is already at home and doing just fine.
4. The church body that have surrounded them in the hospital is more than a blessing, it is amazing! Not to mention that their refrig is FULL!
5. The reminder to all of us, life is short, and on any given day, who knows but God, what may happen.
6. The prayer chains that were formed for Philip immediately, have been strong and incredible, and God has heard those prayers, and He is blessing this whole situation.
7. Because our son in law is a fit, healthy, determined, focused and strong guy... his healing is going to amaze us all.
8. A precious time for mimi and her 3 beautiful granddaughters! They are absolutely wonderful. We had a 'family meeting' and the insight and comments they shared were incredible.
9. A heart of thanksgiving that ' all our children have been taught of the Lord, and have taught their own children, and great is the peace of our children." And even more... great is the peace of their parents and grandparents!
So... all is well, and here I am, back home again, hubby glad to see me, and all the normal activities and work are still waiting for me! :)