(Ashleigh Brilliant)
I love this quote!
Sometimes i just get stuck!
I think about moving forward, and I even know what I SHOULD do to move forward, but I often just stay where I am...
There are times when moving forward is not the best choice, and usually I know that too. But when I KNOW WHAT TO DO AND DON"T DO IT... that's the kind of forward progress that I'm talking about...
I am so taken lately by how fast life is going... the kids are getting older, so are the grandkids... and SO AM I! This one life is IT for each one of us! I don't want to waste ANY of my days... my tomorrow is uncertain... but I DO have today!
I'm intentionally taking the steps to NOT stay where I am in the places of my life where I've been stuck!
There is a lightening of the load, mentally, emotionally & spiritually... when I am DOING WHAT I KNOW TO DO...
I've quoted this verse before, and it applies every day...
"My counsel for you is simple and straightforward: Just go ahead with what you've been given. You received Christ Jesus, the Master; now live him. You're deeply rooted in him. You're well constructed upon him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you've been taught. School's out; quit studying the subject and start living it! And let your living spill over into thanksgiving." (Col.2:6,7 MSG)
Forward... here I go!
That is a wonderful quote. On a theme, I also like, "It's impossible to steer a parked car" and "Just because a ship is in the harbor doesn't mean that that is what a ship is for." On that note, I am truly off to do SOMETHING. Thanks for the push.
I love that version of that verse! I need to copy it (and the quote at the beginning of this) and put them where I will see them often. (The refrigerator comes to mind...)
Ever since your post about the man made mountain, I have been very convicted to pick up a shovel and start to move mine, one teaspoon at a time if necessary. Now, I'm motivated further to move forward and get out of my rut as well.
The posts go together like peas and carrots for me, Sonja, because the mountain of my making is FEAR of change and movement.
Good morning! I wish I could express to you just how timely this post is for me. How I KNOW I need to PUSH forward and change some things, begin some things etc. I just finished my morning devotion and THIS is the direction I prayed about and then this is the first blog I read. Coincidence? I think not...The verse is perfect, and I am with Debbie. I especially like this version...START living it. Thanks for this added push! Have a good day....
I want to move forward as I listen to the Lord. My problem is that I am so easily distracted. It's more fun sometimes to do other things but thank you for reminding me to push forward.
Hi friend, I've been wondering where you were because my google reader hasn't been bringing you up, so I'll sign up again as a follower-but I've missed you! There are times when we need to push forward and times when we need to stay still. I always have a difficult time knowing when to do what.
Hugs, Noreen
As always you are so profound.
I have been thinking lots about getting older. I keep hoping that my faith will get older too, but sometimes I feel like my faith is a two year old screaming to get my way.
I would wish that I could grow older and my faith would be stronger and I wouldn't worry.
Doing my Bible Study this morning, I kept being reminded of all that God has done.
I am glad you share like you do because you always give me hope.
Can I just come over and sit at your feet for awhile. :)
You sure you haven't been reading over my shoulder...well why should I be surprised, we have the same God and when His word goes out we all hear.
I am hearing the same thing and you have tied it up with a bow...as always, your wisdom comes through and convicts.
Dear Sonja,
I am not the right to preach, a certain voice just whispered that in my ear.
Even so,if you look away from the fact that it's this haltering, faltering person who is writing,
a word came to me.
"Look at what's holding you back."
I haven't got a clue. Maybe when you realize how unimportant the things are binding you, you will feel free to move where you want.
I'm sending prayers and good wishes your way now.
I am two weeks away from being 60 years old and have done so, so much reflecting these past months. This post really spoke to me as I face this milestone. Yes, we are only certain of this day and we need to make all that we can of it. Thanks for blessing me with this post!
I feel that "stuck" feeling this summer. I agree life is just going on so quickly and sometimes I just stop and try to catch up with it all. Your posts continually bless my heart. Each day is a gift, and another gift is the inspiration I gain from my visits here. Thank you!
What a great word and what a great WORD from Scripture.
I'm trying to make some forward progress, myself.
You know I'm all about moving forward. I just try and take it one step at a time. Small steps are a gain, especially when we're making them with Jesus.
It does seem like breakneck speed on the downhill at this stage in life, doesn't it? Just yesterday it was Christma. Last year my 42 year old son was born. How'd I get to be 64 without giving my permission?
Then again, and in all seriousness, I remind myself that the faster it goes, the sooner the Lord arrives.
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