I do.
Do you meet your mountain head on, or do you go around it?
I am in the process of meeting a big mountain in my life, and I am moving forward into it and through it. This is not a pat myself on the back statement. Far from it. This particular mountain has been on my horizon for such a long time that you would think it's become permanent.
It has NOT become permanent.
That mountain wasn't blocking my road when I was born... it was self erected, a shovel full at a time. It will also come down a shovel full at a time.
Here's the part about changing the landscape of our lives that gets hard. I've become so good at skirting around it, or starting to chip my way through it, and then throwing down my chisel and hammer as it got hard, and forgetting that I am to 'be not weary in well doing, for in due time, you will reap, if you faint not'... that the mountain itself has become less of a problem than the one who is supposed to be chipping her way through it... me.I've debated with myself over whether this is a sin issue or a 'less than what God wants for me' issue, or are both of those the same??
It's not one of those absolute right or wrong issues where there is no question. Instead, it's become an issue because I never moved ahead and handled it, instead I always went around it.
It has definitely been a long time issue in my life, up and down, back and forth. Yours may be something completely different.
This much I have already found as I've forged ahead.
Like Oswald Smith said... 'the minute you obey, you already know more than you did.' More about discipline, more about myself and more about God.
Perhaps the bottom line in these struggles through our mountains is that the mountain we have allowed to stand in the middle of our road, is making sure that we live with good, but not best as we journey along.
Best says that mountain is in the way, it is holding up the best in your life, and going around it doesn't remove it, it only postpones the decision and hinders forward progress.
So this summer, with my small chisel and shovel, I am steadily chipping away.
All of the chipping is observed and strengthened by the steady hands of the God who never placed that mountain there in the first place.
I'm off to get my shovel!
P.S... Hint: yo yo
Good morning! Boy can I identify with this post....only I think I have a range of mountains on my road. I have picked up my shovel too...mow if I just don't lay it down.
May you find that you can do all things... I have a few of these...everyone does. I'd vastly prefer it if God would just "do it." ;>
Sounds like this falls into my "movement wins" category! Chip away, sister; do so in the strength and victory that is ours as believers.
I need to print this one.
Just trying to remember or save it isn't going to be good enough. I need to print it, or maybe even to sit down and rewrite it long hand.
I'm even worse about my man made mountain. I don't try to go around it. I stare at it in the distance and tremble in fear. And that's the truth.
The word God has given you is very similar to mine...and yes, I have gone and gotten my shovel and yes it is time to deal with it and yes I am tired of settling..and every book I pick up, either Christian or secular is telling me the same thing.
God is calling us to more, more of Him and more of what He has designed us to be...so back in the pot to become the jam and not the syrup I am producing in my flesh.
Praise be to God He isn't finished with us yet...thanks so much for sharing...so much food for thought as I leave to go out in the woods.
I too am learning with Jesus and The Word that it IS possible to move those mountains. Thank you for sharing Sonja. Blessings.
I feel like saying "Move that mountain" like they do on the TV show "Home Makeover".
How often do those mountains stand in our way and we never do anything about it?
Nothing is impossible with God. That is what I wrote about today on Heart Choices.
Blessings and love,
Dearest Sonja,
" Timothy 2:19 Nevertheless, the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal, “ The Lord knows those who are His,"
He knows about the mountain and he'll provide you with the tools to remove it. In his name it shall vanish.
I pray for you to feel happy, safe, content, that your life shall be filled with victory and a peace that the world cannot imagine.
On my bumpy road there have been many rocks and a few mountains so high and hard, I could never have done anything to get them out of my road by my self. Never.
I tried, I prayed, I even made promises, help me God and i shall... Can you imagine my desperation, negotiating with the almighty.
Well, I did, I got the help I asked for, but I failed keeping my promises. It was a lesson too, I had nothing to bring the Lord.
The evil tempted me to believe I was such a looser, God wouldn't be bothered to have me in his fold. That was wrong too.
God loved me while I was a sinner, and He never stopped.
"The Lord knows those who are his".
That is grace of grace.
I bet your mountain is made of ice and will melt away under his Sun of grace.
Please keep me posted about his wonders.
Yours felisol
Yikes! You've been reading my mail!! I wish I could claim but one mountain. Truth is, there are several, just like the cascading mounds that surround Mt. Rainier - each rising a bit higher than the other, until eventually we come upon that 14,000 ft. peak.
I'm not fond of chisels (great for scultping), so I'm off to buy some dynamite. I'll split the order & ship half to you.
As much as I love to find the humor in all things, this is truly no laughing matter. Obedience rarely is.
Great post!
Lovely Post, I think I could say that too. Lots of mountains that have come up that I know I have to go through and not around. I have learned now it is just better to get it over with instead of skirting the edges. It is always hard. Have a lovely 4th.
I understand your thinking in regards to mountains. I feel like I am the type of mountain climber who does three steps forward and then two steps back. Hence, ountain challenges are ever before me. Fortunately, God continually extends grace upon grace to me. Thanks for sharing your heart here.
I'm facing a mountain too, so this was a timely message for me. Thank you for sharing what God placed on your heart!
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