Those letters and ads for the following begin to arrive in the mailbox. The older you get, the more they send...
... pre-paid burial plots
... hearing aids
... final funeral expenses
... investment counseling for all that money that surely has been saved in 50 years
... bifocals
... dentures
... Last Will and Testament guidance counseling
... glossy booklets on retirement living homes
... senior citizen coupons out the gazoo
... selecting a permanent urn for your ashes (this one was just plain insulting!)
Honestly, it doesn't give me that warm fuzzy feeling, the prospect of getting old...
Have they started coming to your house yet? If not, trust me, it won't be long!
Did you ever have a clue that these days would come so quickly, these days that put us in the middle age and then old age category. In case you want to forget about how old you are, the USPS will not allow it.
Is there a point here?
Not sure I have a good lesson for myself or anyone else, I have a hard time even admitting middle age, and forget about saying I am old! I read Genesis not long ago, and I prefer to think of how long all of the 'begats' lived. It makes me feel like a kid by comparison!
God knows the days, the length of them, and the exact time we will go to heaven, to the minute. Knowing that is everything.
Still... I do wish they would quit sending me all that stuff!