There are so many times when life 'comes at us', and the trusting heart I claim is mine, seems to falter in fear. And then, I am reminded, as I was this morning, of what God's word clearly says about fear...
"Don't panic. I'm with you.
There's no need to fear for I'm your God.
I'll give you strength. I'll help you.
I'll hold you steady, keep a firm grip on you." (Is.41:10 The Message)
"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." (Is.41:10 KJV)
In reading "When Your Heart Cries Out to God" this morning, Harold Sala tells the story of Corrie Ten Boom during World War 2 when she was trying to smuggle a suitcase filled with Bibles across the border of what was then the USSR. ..."Her heart was filled with fear, and the very fact that she was afraid perplexed her. She reasoned, God has never failed me, so I must trust Him now... Quietly she prayed, 'God, I believe it is in Jeremiah that you said 'God watched over His Word'. Those Bibles are your Word. Now I claim that, Lord. Watch over your Word, my Bibles.' As she prayed, her fear disappeared. A customs agent approached her sternly, asking 'Is that your red suitcase?'... 'yes sir, a heavy one',Corrie replied... 'I am just through with my work. I will help you.'... And with that the man picked up her suitcase and carried it through customs and out to the car that was waiting for her." ......
I remember as a child coming home from school one day and Corrie Ten Boom was sitting in the den having coffee with my parents. It wasn't until years later when I read "The Hiding Place" and understood the kind of faith she had, that I really appreciated the Godly jewel who was in our home that day.
That is the kind of faith I want, the kind that really KNOWS that I KNOW that God IS FAITHFUL!... He says He is...ALWAYS! I'm convinced that in my own life, I often lack the full faith that wholeheartedly takes God at His Word. It's the faith that I desire, and it's the faith that God desires for me.
"Trust and Obey"... they are one and they go together. God says TRUST ME, and in doing that, I am obeying Him.
...Sometimes the most profound becomes the most simple, and the simple is the profound....
God's timing is always perfect! That's what I want...unshakable FAITH!
Yesterday, we learned that there will be more layoffs at my husband's work. God has always provided for us, far beyond our needs yet this time I feel like I'm on shaky ground.
I just like up at the first line of words in this "comment"... I get Lord. It's the shakiness that causes my legs to grow stronger.
Your post blessed me!
I read the hiding place many years ago. You certainly were blessed to have met this woman. But I think she was blessed to have met you also. You offer up such wonderful devotionals for us. Blessings Always!
p.s. I am going to put your pudding idea to use.
The Hiding Place has been one of my all time favorite books! I've read it many times and have had a stirring within my heart to dig it out of storage and savor it again! Corrie ten Boom's deep faith creates such a hunger and desire within me to stretch deeper and reach farther unto that "know that I know that He is Faithful" place!!
You've blessed me with this wonderful post!
Sweet Blessings!
A beautiful reminder to me today to trust God to "carry" it all... his Word in me, through me, because of me.
Thanks for checking in.
Sonja, this was no accident that I read this post today. It was a suggested post under your TSMSS today. The title fear or faith grabbed my attention. First of all, my theme for 2010 is trust and obey. And secondly, I love Corrie ten Boom. She looks just like my Nana did with the same type of hair style. I often wished I had the opportunity to meet her in person before she died. What an incredible lady! I've read so many of her books and continue to be blessed by them. And of course, I have a copy of the video "the Hiding Place" and the book.
What an awesome heritage you have Sonja! I'd love to hear more about some of the people you've met through your godly parents.
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