It probably won't come as a surprise that my husband loves this verse in Proverbs...I've never seen him read it without getting a big grin on his face!
I would imagine that some of you have a husband who also chuckles that such words are in the Bible...
When I get past seeing him smile... I can see the truth of these words...
I am always both annoyed and distracted by the sound of a dripping faucet when it happens in my house. All I want to do is go and figure out how to turn it off!
The thing about dripping faucets is... they do NOT stop!
I don't think I am really a 'nagging wife'... but...
Have you ever pushed or 'kept on' about something with your husband, even when you knew you should 'be sensible and turn off the flow'... that I can identify with...
Another blessing with the book of Proverbs is... the language He uses to instruct us is so clear and simple... sometimes even humorous, that even someone who is stubborn, thick headed or maybe even in denial... is without excuse! I mean. come ON... 'a nagging wife is like the constant dripping of a faucet'... no wonder my husband smiles... it makes me smile too, especially when I am not the cause!
You and I are responsible for stopping the drip, and it can be done... or God would never have mentioned it...
When I get a dripping faucet turned off in my home... the background sound is peaceful once again!
Wise words
Oh Amen my sister! Amen!
I shared this Scripture when I ministered some place a few years ago on marriage and I couldn't believe how many of the men with loud voices and laughter said, AMEN! It brought laughter but it also brought pause for all as GOD'S WORD should.
His Word challenges us and causes us to take pause. I can laugh at some of it but then I have to pause and ask, "God show me myself so that I get in line or stay in line with YOU".
I love you and the heart of wisdom in the LORD you walk in.
Love ya!
You continue to share wisdom so well Sonja! I love how you ever so gently share from your heart the lessons you've learned over the years. We 'older women' need to mentor the younger. I love it when young gals visit Heart Choices. The mix of ages is wonderful.
Lynn of Spiritually Unequal Marriage wrote an article on Exemplify Magazine recently and I had to write it down so I'd always remember:
"A man can ignore a nagging wife but he can’t deny the truth of a transformed life.”
I believe that is so true!
Keep on blogging Sonja my sister.
Love you,
drip, drip, drip . . .
let me pull this log out of my eye, here. ok, that's
better. i can see now!!!
what a great word, sonja. and i obviously need to
hear it all the time!
thanks for checking up on sunday . . . #15 now!
Oh, do we heed those words? I like to think I do. There is nothing more frustrating that a drippy faucet. You always give us things to think about. I appreciate your words to us. Thank you and bless you.
I probably wore a groove in my husband's soul with the drip, drip, drip of my "helpful reminders" (aka naggings) in my youth. Funny thing now that we're older: not only does he appreciate the drip's silence, but so do I.
Great post, my friend.
Thank you for another good post!
As a man...my point of view would be.. that.. women for the most part.. are responder's. If "we" men would love our wives like Christ loves His Church.....there wouldn't be much "dripping":-)
Such a good post with Truth shared! It should be a reminder to all of us.
Have a blessed evening.
'Just wondering if you have a recipe for the Norwegian pancakes? Sounds like something I would like to try.
The dripping faucet is like Chinese water torture. I just wonder if any of the women were plagued with a dripping faucet husband back when Solomon wrote the Proverbs. There are many of them now. I have to laugh at that too. We've all been a dripping faucet at one time or another. God bless and feel free to come visit me at my blogs. Dr. Bobbi
Such a good post Sonja! Obviously, we gals come equipped with a "faucet" but must remember the wisdom found in only a few drops instead of a continual irksome deluge! Uh....I think I'll have the Master plumber check my faucet!!:)
Sweet Blessings!
Dear Sonja,
Oh yes,I've heard the lines from the proverbs, many a time.
My dad read his two chapters a day in the Bible, and he'd both underline what he found interesting/blessing, and he'd read out loud from his rocking chair.
He sure was no preacher, like your dad, but he loved sharing the word.
He never used the drippety drip as a weapon against my mother or me, but read the words with a smile on his face.
Oh course I felt the shoe fitted, as they say in Norway. I was both a nagging daughter and still can be a nagging wife.
It makes me feel sorry and I'm not proud when I'm mirrored this way by the scripture.
However, my dad wouldn't have been the man We all loved so highly, if he hadn't added another word from the Proverb, 31: 30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
We knew he thought well about the way we looked, but this was the important thing he loved the more,"A woman who fears the Lord."
Oh my toes have soooo been stepped on! :)
Although it's been awhile since my husband has reminded me of this passage, I'm sure he has thought about it a time or two lately!
Hope you have a great weekend Sonja,
Take good care,
ha ha! "what do you want to be when you grow up?"
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