I am still so full of all that I saw and experienced in this most beautiful country...
The midnight sun is real! I think I took this photo at about 1:30 a.m.... we had to pull the heavy drapes across our open windows to darken the room enough to sleep...
Fresh fish... continental cuisine... the sound of Norwegian conversations in the background everywhere we went......
Norwegian aunts, cousins and fun!...
Silky white blond hair on young girls... hair I have frosted and hoped for my whole life... there it was, all around us... but not on me!!
Fishing boats everywhere... water... mountains, even some lingering snow up high...
From beginning to end... a joyful journey... a visitation to the land where my mother was born and raised...
More coming... you aren't going to get by this easily! I do have some pictures, and a few stories to share...
I can't wait to hear all about this amazing trip. I hope you have wedding pictures to show too. I'm sure she made a beautiful bride.
I love the view out of your window. I remember my dad telling me all about the midnight sun. His family moved back to Sumstad, Norway for several years and my dad attended one year of school there.
I'm looking forward to more posts on your visit. And welcome home to you and Carol Joy!
Love you!
From your third,
So glad you had an amazing journey! I'm sure you've got some incredible things to share with us and, like Debbie, I can hardly wait.
Hurray, you are home! I have missed you. Looking forward to hearing more about your trip.
Blessings and hugs!
Dear Sonja,
as only few will know, you share name with our beloved queen. Name sister is the Norwegian term. "Navne soster".
I'm so happy for you that Norway showed you her best side. I did pray, that you should not get disappointed. I knew how much you and Carol Joy were looking forward to this trip and the wedding.
Bad weather might have spoiled it all.
I've never been as far north as Tromso.
Someday, when everything else is settle I'd love to go with Hurtigruta from Bergen up to Finnmark. It's the ultimate Norwegian tour. At least, that's what we think, living along the coast.
I'm also looking forward to seeing pictures from the wedding, As you will have experienced weddings are less formal in Norway. No rehearsal dinner or the shirt and bows on the chairs..
Not that we don't know how to celebrate. A hundred years ago it was a poor wedding, that didn't last three days in a row.
The authors Sigrid Undset and Vera Henriksen have both written great novels about Norway in Viking ages and medieval ages.
Sigrid Unset lived in the USA during the ww2. She just might be translated to English.
Oh,I'm so glad you went to Tromso. You know it's called the Paris of the North.
Now, it's 1 am and already dark here soouth. I've gotta get some sleep.
Have a nice summer in Texas too.
From Felisol
Yipee! Missed you dear one! Looking for the coming attractions soon. I know you must be exhausted and coming off a wonderful high! Blessings and hugs.
WOW..what a blessing! Can't wait to hear and see more.
How wonderful that you were able to make such a fantastic trip. I know you thoroughly enjoyed it. Glad you are back, but eagerly awaiting all the pictures that you have to show us.
Welcome back, dear Sonja. Wow, that photo taken at 1:30 a.m.? No night there in the summer? Amazing.
What you shared made my mouth water for more of what you have to write.
Hurry up and write those posts!
And share those pictures of that beautiful land.
Welcome home, dear soul. Such a lovely opportunity. I can't imagine the world being so light outside when I'm supposed to be sleeping. Not sure it would work for me :) I can't sleep in the day time! Looking forward to more pictures and stories.
Thanks for your prayers. I sure appreciate you!
Patrina <")>><
Welcome home!
A place where the sun never sets is a good place to be!! Can't wait to hear all about it! We've missed you!
Welcome back dear friend! I can't wait to hear/see/read everything that you are boiling over to share with us!!! I'm so glad everything was such a blessing to you and your family!
Much love!
Yay! You're back!!! I have missed you! So looking forward to hearing more about your trip...your reflections and your photos!
My good friend... how my heart is stirred with the promise of more stories. I cannot even begin to express to you the joy and comfort I've received from your father's teaching via Fred Hartley's pen. Armin Gesswein was a man of prayer and continues his legacy and witness through Fred's book, "Everything by Prayer." I'm not quite through with it yet, but it has been a good "friend" to me in these last 3 weeks in my new life. I sit with your father each night and read his heart on the pages of this book and am comforted by his tenancious pursuit of and belief in prayer. Last week I read about his hoping that the "upper room" prayer life would continue on for generations to come. Per his heart, I announced on Sunday at our new church that this Wednesday night (tonight) Billy and I will be gathering for prayer at the church, inviting all who are interested in joining us.
To say that our new church needs to pray and the revival that accompanies a hearty prayer life is to say too little.
Thus, tonight we begin; I imagine a post will emerge soon because of it, but as I examined my heart before God over the past week and asked him what I could do for the kingdom, well corporate prayer seemed to be his answer.
I'll let you know.
Thank you for sharing your father's life with me via this book. It has changed my heart and comforted my weary spirit.
I love you, friend.
Thanks for sharing a little of your trip with us in this way, and for always sharing your heart. It (your heart, and dad's, too) is one of the most precious things I have ever experienced in this world.
What a beautiful view from your room. I'm hungry for more, my friend and will wait patiently for those stories and photos!
So glad you are back. Thought of you often!
welcome home!!! jetlag is easier this way, huh?
your photo is gorgeous, and i can't wait to see
many, many more!
i will pop your 'gift' in the mail tomorrow.
so glad you're back!
ps. oh, i just saw joe's message. wow, it doesn't
get any better than than. i wish more people
could read that love letter.
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