We all have them, some of us aren't there right now, but we have been and we will be again.
What speaks to my heart is that these friends are trusting God, praising God, and walking through these times by faith... in the midst of uncertainties, frustrations, heart aches and sorrows.
The hurts of life have landed in their laps, and while they are experiencing all the things that trials bring, they are doing exactly what God has asked us to do... trust Him!
My words today are to tell each one of them... THANK YOU... thank you for the example of how we are to live 'in the midst of'... because we know Jesus!
It's when the rubber hits the road that we find out...
who we really are...
what our faith is...
who God is...
We also find out that He was already there, before we arrived at this place, and that He is not going anywhere... He will see us through to the other side.
For each of them, and for all of us... keep trusting God, there is no safer place to be!
"Don't be afraid, I've redeemed you. I've called your name. You're mine. When you're in over your head, I'll be there with you. When you're in rough waters, you will not go down.When you're between a rock and a hard place, it won't be a dead end—Because I am God, your personal God."... (Isa.43:2+ The Message)
that is so encouraging and true. i love the psalm that
says He hems us in, behind and before!
we had a break in the heat, and it has been such a
BLESSING! hope it came down for you to enjoy!
I know what you mean...I too have been soo encouraged by those whose faith is soo strong that even in the midst of great trial they are joyful and full of His peace. I LOVE LOVE that verse in Isa. It just doesn't get any better. I need to hold on to that today in particular, so thank you for posting it here. Have a wonderful day. HUGS, Debbie
Isaiah 43:2,3 is a scripture so close to my heart. It was that scripture that the Holy Spirit ministered to me in such a real way years ago when I was in a deep pit of despair with no hope of a future. It was through those words spoken from the heart of the Father that began my deliverance, healing and restoration!!! My eyes are brimming now as I type this, Sonja. My heart overflows with gratitude for His tender mercies, love, and strong arm ....... As we trust Him, He walks us through the valleys and storms to higher, holy ground. Oh, what a wonderful God we serve....HE IS FAITHFUL!!!
Luv, Hugs and Sweet Blessings!
Jackie :))
Oh Sonja, thank you for this post. As you know I am in the midst of some serious stuff. And frankly, I wish I weren't there. But I've learned so much through it all. And the most important lesson I've learned is to trust the Lord. Your words are so true. He already knew all about it. And the Isaiah verse is so perfect.
Isaiah is the book of the Bible that we will be studying this year in Bible Study Fellowship. It's a new study that was just added and I look forward to studying it in depth.
Thank you for your love and friendship and being a sister to me.
Love you,
Thank you...timely post...reading through tears of a trial in our family and standing on the "truth"...also praying for so many going through their own trials...it seems to keep me from just focusing on my own.
Thanks so much for your word and I totally agree with you on the encouragement that comes from so many bloggers walking out their faith,
Our circle of Christian bloggers is one of amazing women, for sure. I am so encouraged! Love that Isaiah scripture. As hard as trials are, they become blessings because we really know our God in them. Otherwise, it would just be head knowledge.
You are so right!!! Thank you for a great post.
Amen, Sonja! I am amazed at the strength...faith...and trust I see!
It is amazing to me how God has connected us women in Blogland. I see how we are a community of believing women who support one another through our trials and heartache. Two years ago I lost a dear friend to breast cancer and in one day - yesterday - I got the news that not one friend - but TWO dear friends - now have this dreaded disease.
He will be faithful to them through all of their trial. He will care for them, love them and show them His compassion and mercy and grace! And He will allow some of us to stick close to them in prayer and encouragement.
I am sooo thankful for this community of bloggers [mostly sisters and a few great brothers out there too].
We ARE the children of the Most High God!
We ARE His sons and daughters - a royal priesthood!
We were bought with the price of Jesus' blood and marked and sealed for eternity with God!
Praise God we belong to HIM!
Thanks for this inspiring post!
Choosing JOY, Stephanie
What a wonderfully encouraging post.
Came over from Janette's for a visit.
I love the book of Isaiah so much.
"He is not going anywhere."
Love that!
You said it perfectly dear friend.
It is when the rubber meets the road and everything is breaking loose that we really know our faith. When the diagnosis is not good, the son or daughter is rebellling, the marriage has the weight of satan, expenses high/income low, no employ and more that we really know in Whom we believe.
I'm praying for all...
I love and appreciate you!
...and let me close by saying the most important thing:
GOD IS FAITHFUL!!! His love is unfailing!!!
Hallelujah to GOD!
When someone can be as content in a firey trial the same as without something major going on that is unbelievable. Such faith. Such peace. Each day I strive for more endurance and trust in my Savior! Blessings.
I am humbled and grateful to witness the many who choose to live their lives out loud to His glory - especially those bearing heavy burdens. It inspires me to do likewise; and together we live in the Kingdom of Light and Children of the Light (as opposed to the dominion of darkness). Amazing. Marvelous. Incredible.
The on-line church of GOD! What a ministry that he has birthed here. I'm so glad to be a part of it. God knew, even then when the cancer began its assault, how much I would need the on-line church of GOD! I am grateful and humbled by the prayers of the saints.
What a treasured post this is for me. I was just feeling the reality of that verse today. He is ALWAYS in the midst of my trials and circumstance. I never think that he's not! Why I'm so consistently aware of that...I don't know. But I thank God that He has shown Himself to me over and over...so much so that He literally is my 'strong tower' that I run to. he is my deliverer - my redeemer - my friend.
I began my blog in Oct of last year because I was so isolated here. The family of God supports me and lifts me even when I don't share. We are a very treasured bunch of dear souls. A treasure that has been gifted us by God Himself. He knows our every need. I lift my heart and hands to the one who lives and breathes inside of us - we are daughters /and sons of the Most High God! Indeed!
big hugs to YOU today, my friend
Patrina <")>><
Love this post & so glad to have found you thru Elaine at Peace for the Journey. I look forward to following you & invite you to do the same. I will welcome any comments you care to share! Blessings in His grace ~ Merana
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