This sits about 5 minutes from where I live. Every time I go there for 10 grain bread... THIS is what I am faced with!!
I always look... every time!
But very seldom do I buy what's in that case, not never, just very seldom! If I bought something every time I was tempted, I would be huge! I love that stuff, particularly the little key lime tarts. Sweets are a serious temptation for me...
This case in all of it's eye catching dazzle, reminds me a little bit of the lure of sin. I don't mean murder or stealing or those 'big ones', I mean the subtle sins that pull us in... sins of the thoughts, or the tongue, or even wrong desires... Sin can sometimes look so appealing, it can draw us in if we aren't on guard, and the consequences are much worse than a pound on the hips! I usually don't stand around and study everything in that case, I just get the bread and get gone!
It's funny... the 10 grain bread is just stacked up in loaves in plain clear plastic bags on the counter... but the little beauties in the glass case are displayed in doilies, perfect rows, and little fluted cups... it pulls my eyes toward it every time I go in there.
It isn't the 10 grain bread that tempts me...
This is not a perfect illustration... with sin, we are told NOT to yield, whatever the lure might be, God has made that plain in His Word. He has also provided the strength for us NOT to sin!With pastries... maybe once in awhile...
I was there this week, gave a quick up and down glance at the curved glass case, and quickly turned away...
"So let God work his will in you. Yell a loud no to the Devil and watch him scamper. Say a quiet yes to God and he'll be there in no time. Quit dabbling in sin. Purify your inner life." (James 4:7 The Message)
I don't think I could add anything to what you said. Well said and so true. Just the other day I found myself very tempting to purchase and eat something that I didn't need but WANTED. It wasn't a sin but it wasn't something I really needed but the temptation was strong. I immediately said to myself, "Lisa, the best way to deal with this is to stop starring at the item you want to eat and then you won't be tempted to purchase it...leave the store." and so I did.
Sin in our life is the same. At times we are tempted (and we will always be tempted by the enemy and his lure), and we need to have an immediate FLEEING response.
I didn't think I had anything to say but (SMILE)...
You bless me always my friend. Love your transparent heart.
dear sonja,
what a wonderful illustration of the lure (enticing pastries)
and the hook (future pounds!) the killer is that the sin
never 'tastes' as good as it looks, huh?
i must say that your case looks MUCH more enticing than
the paltry one i showed. i'm so glad you changed your day.
did you get this cold snap?
Oh my gosh Sonja, I am ready to eat the computer screen, ha-ha. I absolutely agree - sin (and sweets) provide immediate gratification. It's tough, one day at a time.
All I can say is I'm so glad I don't have this store 5 minutes away from ME! Resisting temptation - when it comes to sweets - has always been a challenge for me. If there is a store where I might be tempted, I have to avoid it completely! I guess the same holds true in our spriritual life. If there is an area in our lives where we might be tempted, avoid that situation!
Great post, Sonja
Great, great visual and illustration!!! You are always a jewel to read. I have never bought pastries from there...usually a crepe or omelet...I need to go one time and try one!
This post will go with me through this day and beyond...thanks!
Oh how happy I am not to have that near me...I am ever soo weak in that area. I find I must avoid these kind of temptations COMPLETELY whenever I can. I think I am the type that would tell myself if I just buy 1 thing I am doing good, haha. I think it is the same for some sins too. I know how quickly I can be "lured" into a gossip session for instance with a certain family memember...now obviously I can't avoid her altogether, but I do try to avoid mindless phone calls with her where they are most likely to happen. Not easy. sigh....I find I guess I am weak in many areas. Good thing the Lord's grace is new every morning. Have a wonderful day. HUGS
This is a good illustration, I think. If I
lived near that bakery I would at least let
myself have something once a week. That
wouldn't be too bad.
Yes!!! You scored with this one. It's a perfect analogy. (OK, maybe slightly imperfect since I agree with you about that itty bitty little nibble now and then...)
But still, it's perfect because that's exactly how Satan displays sin so often. He's such a great displayer, isn't he?
And sometimes, Satan thinks he is so smart and tries to package it as "natural" or "healthy" just like food manufacturers do. It isn't until you really study what's inside that you see it's nothing but a sneak attack full of that same old sin.
Oh, you have me thinking of analogy after analogy.
You also have me thinking of pastries. Get thee behind me Satan. LOL
Hi Sonja, O.k girl so I too have a huge love of sweets and desserts. However the Lord clearly showed me that since gluten impacts my body in a negative way, I must get over those desires. I would hope we would just as quickly get over our desire for the flesh.
Thanks for sharing!
Hugs, Noreen
You are so strong, Sonja! And you are also so right on. If we can't turn away from a tart, how on earth will we turn away from the even bigger temptations?
Hey, where in TX do you live? We're going there in January. Perhaps we could meet La Madeleine and fight temptation together?
Such a great way to view sin. It always looks good and promises such pleasure. But always never delivers on what it promised. I am like you I would flee from that place.
Every thing looks so pretty.
A very good reminder of what we need to do. Thanks for the thoughts that inspire us.
Oh, a wonderful illustration we all understand :)
This is a great illustration of the temptation of sin. It can be very appealing and we can easily rationalize that it's OK once in a while. I too am tempted by sweets. It's interesting that in my earlier years, even childhood, I never really liked sweets.
But I think I'm making up for it post menopause. I'd rather have dessert than the main meal. LOL. But I must be careful and I'll keep this one in my head. There used to be a La Madeleine close to my home but they closed it down. Maybe that wasn't such a bad thing after all; less temptation.
Love you sis and keep on teaching us,
Great topic Sonja. Temptation is a toughie for many of us. Love how you share in your post about it. James is a perfect Scripture! Blessings.
I think I gained 5 pounds jut looking at the photo :-)
Have a great week
It's always nice to be back to get inspired from your words of wisdom.
I am the living proof of how easy one may day, "oh, just this once, I do deserve something to cheer me up" e.t.c.
When I broke m right arm and right ankle 11 years ago it was finally revealed I had osteoporosis.
I was depressed and linked to a wheelchair for a month or so.
In this short time I gained 10 kilos from comfort food, Snickers and cookies.
I still suffer from my sins way back. Those kilos are clinging to my body like glue.
I thank the Lord, who is stronger than any sin.
When I am forgiven, every trace of my sin is gone.
He sees me as being clean, even though my sins are red as purple.
Yep, I know exactly what you mean! lol
Another post that was so well written. What a great way to illustrate the temptations we face daily, in one form or another. Often, we call it by any other name than what "sin" really is. The bright colors, the way it is displayed, the lure of it all...day in and day out. So,"just buy the bread and leave the store" seems like the best way to handle it all. The staying and looking just does not work.
I wish you and your family, a very special time celebrating all that God's blessing. You are a dear lady, and I learn so much from you.
Yeah, sin is displayed like that...real pretty. I love sweets, too. And I can be self righteous and say I would not choose the tarts, but those cookies on the top shelf would reel me in every time!!!!! Sin is sin and we can't play with it. Great comparison here! The bread you are buying is very healthy (you little stinker!)
I can relate... I am a sugarholic and lately hubby and I have been eating quite a few sweet treats. And now it shows on our bodys and scale. Thanks for the great devotion.
love and hugs~
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