No... not money!
I'm talking about that 'check in your spirit'...
Do you know what I mean?
It's that caution in your heart that immediately raises a big red check mark or flag, that says...
Something isn't right about this person, this situation, or whatever it might be. So slow down, take a close look and see what is causing this check...
Do you pay attention when you sense a check mark in your own spirit?
I think that God gave us as women a sense when something isn't quite right. I don't mean that we go around looking for bears behind every bush, but...
I have learned that usually there is something to it when I feel that 'check in my spirit'. I think my mom shared about this when she spoke at christian women's conferences, it's for sure that she spoke about it to us.
Perhaps it's as simple as the spirit of God speaking and cautioning us... maybe it's something He designed into our makeup.
I haven't felt that big red check for awhile, but I know I will again, and even though it may not be as serious as a lurking bear... it signals caution, and there may be a good reason for it.
I've had times when I felt that big check in my Spirit about something or someone. When I ignored it, it always ended up being a mistake on my part. When I listened, it was right on. And I knew it.
Good advice Sonja!
Love you sis,
Hi, Sonja! I felt such coviction as I read your passionate words! Too often, I focus on the size of my need, rather than the size of my God. But, oh, how he is exceedingly able when I truly surrender all to him!
Thank you for reminding me!
Much love,
Another excellent reminder. Yes, I have felt that "check" and it was always to my benefit when I heeded it.
Blessings to you - Marsha
I believe you are so right, Sonja.....it is there, built into us, GOD-GIVEN!!!!!! Oh how I have felt those BIG RED CHECKS in my heart!!!! Anita
You're definitely right on this. I do
believe it is God given. I always follow
a "check" when I feel it and am always
thankful I did. Thanks for this good
Hugs & Blessings~
I believe that is the holy spirit cautioning us. We definately need to pay attention to things and use caution at times.
Blessings and hugs~
Yes, I DO know exactly of what you speak. Sometimes I share it with my husband. Sometimes, I keep it to myself.
I have a big old red check mark happening around me RIGHT NOW, in fact.
Yes I do and I have learned to run when I feel it. It is so funny as I have trained the kids to listen to that check and I will hear them talking about this or that situation. I think it is part of the Holy Spirit that Jesus promised another comforter because listening to him has saved me so much heartbreak.
You are always so thoughtful.
Oh I have had those times. It's just like you said, something in your spirit that senses something not quite right. I have learned to pay attention when I have that check in my spirit, and move with caution (or not proceed at all)
I will just step out on a limb here and admit I've had red check marks on every hand lately. So I guess I have a lot of praying and reading God's word to see me through! I am paying attention that is for sure!
Debra @ And It Came To Pass
You are right on Sis with this message! Thanks for sharing! Love you!
Oh I have learned to heed those checks! It really does frustrate my kids at times...they say, "now mom!"...time tells
It has saved me so many times when I have heeded His checks, and I have also paid the cost when I have not...He is still faithful to continue to give me checks even if I missed earlier ones
Hi Sonja,
Excellent post!! The "Red Check" AKA"Red Flag" I have felt the Holy Spirit raise that flag many times, and I rely upon it for discernment. Now, the thing is do I heed that warning, that re-direction of the Holy Spirit each time? Unfortunately NO :o( but I'm a work in progress.
Thank you for this thought provoking post,
God bless and hugs,
I have had that red flag several times. Once a few years ago the pastor of the church we were attending kicked a handicapped man (Tom) out of the service for being disruptive. Tom was just excited because he was just water baptized. When the usher walked Tom past us, I had a definite 'check' and a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. On the way home that day, my son Aaron who was a teenager at the time said "When the usher walked Tom past us, my stomach did flip flops." Aaron didn't know why at the time, but then we both realized the Holy Spirit was grieved by this. Since then, I always pay strict attention to these checks in my spirit.
I get that "check" unction in my spirit as well. Loved the post Sonja. Blessings to you dear one.
Definitely something to heed! I've always regretted it when I didn't! There is a particular political candidate that I pretty much said to hubby that there was something about him...something I could not put my finger on...that bothered me. I have this feeling that there's something there that's going to surface. I guess we'll see.
Yes, I often feel that check in my spirit. I liken it to the hairs on a cat's back that stand on end. Holy whiskers!! Something just isn't "feeling" right. I agree that God gives women intuition as part of their makeup. But He also gives us the Holy Spirit - who, if we listen, will guide us into wisdom and discernment.
I have also had times when I've ignored that *check* - can we bypass those stories??
Oh Sonja,
The hope of HEAVEN is what makes me happy to know that though we may never see each other in this life, GOD will bring us together and we will have eternal bliss....thank you for visiting me dearest, Anita
My Spiritual Director is forever telling me to 'trust my instincts' - you are so right, Sonja. Love the image of the big red check!
I have always heard the old tales about a "woman's intuition" but I like the way you put it so much better. Whenever I am asked to write down advice for new mothers, I always advise them to "trust their instincts", even though I don't really like how that sounds. It makes us sound primal rather than created beings. In the future, I will advise them to "check their spirit" to see if anything feels off. I know I haven't always checked mine, with regret. Thank you for a much better suited terminology.
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