Miracle on so many levels. A book full of chapters could be written on how she arrived at this time and into this family, but the bottom line is... she was sent from God.
All babies are.
This one just came by way of a particularly miraculous journey in her arrival.
At the same time Gracie was coming into the world, a friend I have known for many years was leaving the world, and meeting Jesus face to face.
The cycle of life as God has ordained it, is very clear in my heart this week. As some are beginning life, others are ending life... all of it known and ordered by God.
The days will thread their way into one another, and the weeks and months will resume normalcy again, but for THIS week, in the heart of THIS mom and mimi, the journey of life has been crystal clear.
The Lord gives and the Lord takes away... BLESSED be the name of the Lord!
He holds all of life and death in His hands, and we are safe.
Ah yes, the cycle of life ...
Praising God for your miracle of new life; Gracie. May she be so loved and that one day she will know Jesus as her Savior. I'm sure she will be taught well, especially by Grandma.
I have stood by the bedside of so many people who died when I worked as a nurse. It's interesting that now I am working with the very young. The cycle of life once again ...
Love you,
Peace...your words show us the condition of your spirit and you are at peace with the plan.
Congratulations to all the family on Gracie's arrival. She is a beautiful little baby girl and so very precious.
i pray that little gracie's life will be
marked by the grace and life she
passed . . . on the way.
this is beautiful.
We like to think that we intellectually understand the cycle of life. When it converges right before our eyes like it has just done for you, there is just a crystal clear holiness about the whole thing.
Only because of the God who created the miracle of Gracie can you rejoice in the homegoing of your friend.
I stand with you and say, "Blessed be the name of the LORD."
I'll say again that both your granddaughter AND her name are beautiful.
And I'm sorry for the absence of your friend here on earth, Sonja.
Dear Sonja,
New life being born is the greatest of all wonders I have ever experienced.
No wonder both rich and poor went to worship the wonder in the stable in Bethlehem.
I praise the Lord that everything went well with Gracie.
Sad about your friend though.From Psalm 121:
8 "The LORD shall guard thy going out and thy coming in, from this time forth and for ever".
Well some how I didn't comment...I read it, so must have been side tracked...fighting my worms...or Benjamin and his legos
Blessings and blessings...and so sorry for your loss. I posted about my Sunday School teacher going to be with the Lord...and felt the same things, the cycle of life! I also saw how our lives can touch others for eternity...as I wrote, Thanks for Giving to the Lord...may Gracie's life continue to touch others for eternity
i can't believe all the blogs you follow have
been erased! that is terrible . . . except now
you have a chance to make afresh start.
i will keep you posted as i figure all this out.
Hi Sonja! Congratulations on the new, sweet, precious granddaughter! And condolences in the loss of your friend. The circle of life is truly amazing isn't it?
Good to hear from you as I have kind of been out of the loop! Hopefully I can get reaquainted with blogger and get back in the groove again...hopefully...:)
When our oldest grandson was born, we sat just outside the delivery ward to await his grand entry. While there, a family from another ward came into the hall, where they proceeded to grieve openly over the fact that their much-loved father was now gone. Joy & sorrow met there in that brief moment in time. It's a picture I shall never forget.
The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord!
So sorry for your loss. Gracie steals my heart; what a cutie. I just prayed over her to be blessed by God all her days and be a blessing to all she meets.
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