I always know what THAT issue is in my life...
it's the one (or more) thing that trips us up in our walk with God...
the familiar area of struggle that keeps popping up in our life...
maybe it's a habit that was formed years ago...
or a behavior pattern that we know doesn't belong in our life...
maybe it's a grudge we are carrying against someone who has hurt us...
or the lack of discipline in our time in God's word and prayer...
or... too many trips to the pantry and refrigerator day after day...
or... a tongue that speaks too quickly and without thought...
maybe it's lack of faith, or 'giving in' to worry and fear...
or, filling our schedules too full ... 'doing a good thing is not always doing the best thing...
...and on and on and on...
We all have THAT issue... and we all need the healing touch of God to get past these issues, and to move forward into all that He means for our lives to be.
I'm 'preaching to the choir' here... as these are the very things He is speaking to me about, and it's always the SAME OLD things for most of us... remember, "it's the little foxes that spoil the vines"...
The good news: All that we really want our lives to be for God... He has already provided for us! His word is full of promises that cover every single need that we bring to Him. When God says we can live in victory and that He will win the battle over whatever 'that issue' is... that's all we will ever need.
BUT... obedience is required, one day at a time, but with genuine submission of our heart, mind and will. The choice is ours, the provision is His!"
"The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every though to make it obedient to Christ."(2Cor.10:4-5)
One more note, actually 2 ..."Whatever we keep back from God, the devil is sure to get!" (Martin Luther)
"There is a living God, He has spoken in the Bible, He means what He says and He will do what He has promised". (Hudson Taylor)
While being a Christian isn't a self-improvement program, what you say is true. There has to be a yielding to Him and a pressing in. Sigh. I feel like chocolate. Now WHY is that?
isn't that a marvelous luther quote?
thank you for gently leading and
encouraging us. everybody's got
somethin' that needs yieldin'.
Dear Sonja,
I plied guilty to all of the above mentioned "not obeying God issues."
I guess the old devil would like me to give up. So old and so weak and stumbling.
My consolation is that is not God's opinion.
Saja wrote today a wonderful, comforting word from Psalm 53:2 "God looks down from heaven
on all mankind
to see if there are any who understand,
any who seek God."
And that I do with all my imperfections; I seek God.
And He who seeks shall find.
Therefor today has been a day of comfort. I seek God and I shall be found by him.
Grace upon grace.
Excellent! I was thinking while reading a blog post about weeding the other day that it's rarely a new weed that comes up in our gardens. It's more likely to be that same old familiar one that sprouts with regularity.
I think it's the same with certain areas in our lives. They just keep sprouting, and in obedience, we have to keep weeding.
This was a wonderful and convicting post to me since I struggle with more than one on that list.
I love the Luther quote too.
Wonderful words of wisdom once again Sonja! I love your summer reflections which help me much.
Amen to all of these, Sonja.
Timely reminders... but obedience is the key to lasting growth!
Thinking of you today...
Much love
Oh my goodness ... Here all the while I was thinking I could make my peace with THAT little fox, only to discover it's a skunk!
I've got two stinky areas in my life right now that I simply must get serious about. Neither are big, or serious ... just bothersome. And I wonder how much they're impacting my effectiveness?
Great post!
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