When she met and married my dad, and came to America, she had a dream of having their own cabin. Money was tight, and it would have to be God's provision if it happened.
Her persistence in praying that cabin into being was unlimited.
She prayed for many many years. Her dream finally came true. They were able to build a small cabin up in Salem, Oregon, where my sister lives. The Pacific Northwest always reminded her of Norway, and she loved it.
The cabin was Norwegian in every way except the grass, which did NOT grow on the roof, as hers had in Norway.The inside was nothing less than charming. The cabin was painted red, and the inside was decorated in red, yellow and blue... so Scandinavian. They had a little red-orange fireplace over in one corner, it warmed the whole cabin in the winter months.
Her dream came about because she persisted in praying it through. She always said 'if God is not in it, then I don't want it, but if He does want me to have it, I trust He will do it.'...
He did!
For years our whole family went to 'the cabin' in Oregon, and had incredible fun year after year.
What I'm thinking of today, is her persistence in prayer, the simple prayer of her heart, and the willingness for God's answer. She kept praying, and if she didn't see that her prayer was wrong... she persisted!
A lesson I carry with me to this very day.
I don't want to be guilty of giving up on the prayers and dreams of my heart unless God says no, so I am persisting in prayer for the answers of my own heart prayers.
You can too.
Photo courtesy of Google, from Norway... not my mother's cabin, but looks just like it!
What a good word because, truth to tell, I can see that I've been lazy in prayer. I have assumed that if it is not answered within what I consider a "reasonable" amount of time that my desire is in error. Perhaps I'll revisit a few of those...
A cottage away is a special luxury...not too great for God, though. I'm sure that it was nourishment to your Norwegian mama's soul as well as a blessing for you all.
Remaining persistant in prayer I find is very important in my life. Thank you Sonja for sharing yet another part of your family's past. Blessings.
A lesson for all of us. Consistent, persistent prayer. The story touched me. I would love to see inside.
Beautiful journey your parents had .. such vision to leave the homeland .. covered in prayer for past, present, and future needs.
Oh I have a few of those prayers for sure....I just won't give up. This was soo encouraging. Blessings to you!
Such encouragement to me! Really helped me to read about your Mother's prayers. I have something I have been praying about for some time now. It's so easy to want to just give up. Persistence is what we need and just what you told us about in your Mother.
This is my first time to visit your blog Sonja.
God bless you!
Marilyn...in Mississippi
Thanks for the post.
It ministers to me in several ways.
A great lesson regarding pray and God's will.
Again, Thanks.
Wow. Salem is only about 5 hours south of us! Wish it were still your annual trek. I'd be there in a heartbeat!!
It blesses me to know how tender was God towards your mother's simple heart's desire. No doubt her bigger dream was to craft memories for her family, just as hers had for her. God honors such.
There are many persistencies in my prayerful yearnings. Thank you for the excellent reminder to keep on keepin' on.
What a great post! I have several persistent prayers and at this time I KNOW that God is in them. I just pray I live to see them answered one way or the other.
Wishing you a wonderful week!
Sonja. you just have no idea how much I needed to read this. I know that I'm guilty of giving up on something that I have prayed for for years and years. Lately, I know that I don't even pray about it anymore. I sort of live in that false peace that comes from defeat.
Thank you for sharing your mom's story.
Sonja, you are always such an encouragement to persevere in prayer. I think of your father who was such an example to you and now your mother too.
I love her summer cabin. My relatives in Norway have huttas(sp). They go on holiday and spend time in these often small cabins. I have photos of my mom and dad in Norway having coffee in a colorful cabin with a fireplace and relatives all about.
I'm so glad we get to share this heritage together.
Love you sis,
Timely reminder for me today who are praying for a lot of things that seems to be worse and worse the more I pray. ANyway, it is good though to just put my entrust to God for everything I couldnt change and to be patient and continue praying. Love the cottage by the way.
Dear Sonja,
I of course love your mother's cabin, and fully understand her need to have one. A red cabin is Norway at her best. (Nowadays they come in all colors and shapes, but your mother's looks perfectly right to me.)
What I like best about your post, is the praying part. God answers in his time, and he is NOT slow nor deaf.
These days I needed to be reminded about that.
In great and small, he cares and he loves his children with a love too great for me to understand.
Thank you for remembering us in prayer when you are prompted to do so.
Yours felisol
First of all, I live in Minnesota and there is a wonderful Scandinavian heritage here. My neighbors, colleagues and friends are mostly from Swedish or Norwegian decent and let me tell you, EVERYONE has a cabin! This is so interesting to see that this tradition of having a cabin comes from SOMEWHERE....I never quite understood why it was so important to everyone, since I am from Los Angeles and in my heritage, no one ever thought of having a second home.
God is good. Just day before yesterday, I prayed a specific prayer, and wouldn't you know...He answered me 100 fold...I was so blessed.
I know you will keep your eyes on the seasons ahead, because our God is there waiting for us, to escort us into a new day, full of surprises!! Anita
Isn't it just like the Lord to give us the desires of our heart? This is a great story of persistent faith. I'm encouraged!
I have some serious praying to do, Sonja. Such a simple truth that packs a mighty, powerful punch. Thank you for leading me there.
There can be no better practice in life than persistence in prayer.
Terrific post!
I need this:
"Her dream came about because she persisted in praying it through. She always said 'if God is not in it, then I don't want it, but if He does want me to have it, I trust He will do it.'...
He did!"
More than you know this has blessed my heart as I remain persistent in a prayer I've prayed continuously since 1999 when God showed something to me and if He wants me in that place doing that particular thing for His glory then He'll see to it that it happens. I don't want what He doesn't want for me!!
My dear sister friend, your Mom's legacy is rich and that's easy to see in you and I'm sure in your other relatives. I am gleaning from that legacy in the words you have shared here today of your precious Mom. Thank you!
Love you much. My Saturday has been brightened in the visit to your blog! Feels like I've been with family for awhile.
Oh my...your straight line to the Lord always, always blesses me...this one more than I can express in words. You just put the icing on my two weeks of pondering and crying out the Lord...may I continue to persistently pray and see the hand of God on some the dreams I believe He has placed in my heart...
I am tagging this one...so I can come back and read again and again.
I hope you are enjoying this wonderful weather!!!
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