Here is the background on those cups. All through the years as we were growing up, my father traveled around the world preaching. In each country where he preached, he would buy a beautiful china teacup and bring it home to my mother. There were a LOT of teacups!
My mother used them constantly. They entertained all the time. She was known among the ministers and their wives for being a wonderful hostess, and they always knew they would get a good cup of her Norwegian coffee. The coffee was served in those cups all through her life. The teacups sat there on the coffee table as those ministers and their wives joined in laughter, prayer and fellowship.
Just for the sake of interest, many of those who were in our home were leaders in the Christian world that we have listened to, heard about, read their books or books about them. I call them my heroes of faith...
Those were sacred cups!
When my mom and dad both went to be with Jesus, I grieved so deeply and missed them so terribly. That first Christmas, I went into the garage and dug out some of her teacups. I made my sugared pecans, filled the cup with a bag of them, and wrote a note to each recipient about the journey of that teacup and why I had selected them for a special blessing.
I gave them away that Christmas, to my wonderful friend at the local bank, my sweet friend at the post office, one of my first friends when we moved to Dallas, and many others. It helped my healing process. It also continued the journey of those teacups... spiritual teacups is the way I think of them, with a ministry all their own, that has continued long after the initial gift of my dad to my mom.
I hope and pray that my hospitality will continue to bless others as my mother's did during her life. Each of us have different gifts, but even a simple teacup is a blessing when it is used to share His love.
The blessing that goes on and on...
What a lovely tribute of hospitality. Not to mention of healing and this post just gave me joy. What a neat way, write a book so you can tell me who held those cups. :) I know so many of your heroes would be my heroes only you knew them. You are so blessed.
Wonderful releasing of some of the tea cups... a sweet way to share the ministry of the cup and the hospitality your parents provided to so many "heroes of your faith."
I love the story of the teacups. I have a suspicion I may even know the name of a few of those who sipped from them. What a blessing! And how wonderful how giving some away helped you in the grieving process. Your mom is probably enjoying a cup of good Norwegian coffee in heaven.
Love you,
Sonja, this was just beautiful. Such a lovely tribute to your mom - and a real testament to how you have inherited her heart. I love what you did - giving away those treasured teacups, and their stories. This is the kind of legacy to leave behind...
Your generosity just astounds me. It was such a beautiful tribute and honor to her.
I just typed a whole lot more, but I decided to just zip it for once. The song "Give it away" is stuck in my head right now.
I love this whole story.
And I JUST saw the previous post. I love it!
I LOVE this post! What a wonderful way to carry on the ministry of your precious mother! I just know she would love it too. I have a feeling this went a LONG way in helping you heal. Soo glad you shared this!
Oh my stars! What a rich collection of remembrance!!! I love the old pieces; they have stories to tell. I hope you kept a few for yourself. They really are beautiful.
My Aunt Patty has quite a teacup collection and each time we're together, tea is always served. There's a richness there...
This story tugged at my heart. It's about teacups but yet it is a much bigger lesson about the biblical principles you were raised with that taught you just what to do in your situation. It went deep into my heart!
I have a huge collection of Demitasse Cups and I need to share them, as I have not used them in years and years. A lovely post for sure!
WOW!!!!!!!!!!! That is soooooooooooo powerful and their daughter continues to walk in the heritage they left her. What a blessing...what an awesome post.
Oh Sonja, what a lovely idea to take those teacups and spread the kindness. I know the pain of dealing with lost parental moments, and I've found now that to GIVE AWAY to others is the most healing balm. God will and often does in this life, bless us 1000X over for giving away our most abundant riches.
Thank you for coming to visit! YES, as I sat there in the CT room, I was preparing myself to hear the worse and so much went through my head. Prayers, POEMS, praise, but all I could ask for was PEACE. He gave it, and more.
May your August be a lovely closure to what I hope was a grand summer, and THANK YOU FOR YOUR KINDNESS! Anita
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