Do you know some people who are young at heart... no matter how old they are?
My mom and dad were young at heart. Dad had just played 9 holes of golf and had the tickets on his desk to fly to Norway the next week to preach, when God called Him home, at age 91. He always thought he would live to be at least 100.
My mother was young at heart always, when she was young and when she was old. Life always held new possibilities and she made everything so much fun. Her face lit up when she thought of the next adventure for all of us.
My mother in law was another one. When she was in her 80's, she took a picture of a 20 something tall skinny blond model with long flowing hair to her stylist and said she wanted her hairdo as close to that as possible (with her barely 5 foot height and very short completely gray hair!) And... she wasn't kidding.
I want to be that kind of person... the kind who views all of life with a cheerful and 'young' heart.
Life can deal us some serious blows, and satan would love our joy to be robbed by it. I want the kind of heart that says 'I have everything I need, I will get through this, I choose to trust God and I choose joy."
I think those choices keep us 'young at heart', no matter what our age...
Oh Sonja you have said all of this VERY well ~ just like you always do ~ I think joy is definitely a choice, as is trust....whatever our circumstances might be. Not always easy of course, but still a choice. Satan goes about convincing all he can that our "JOY" is really just happiness which is dependent upon our life's situations, when it is really very different. True joy comes from a right relationship with Him, and brings and deep and enduring peace to our hearts. I am with you, I chose joy and cheerfulness for my life! Hope your day was a good one!
God is so good to give us His spirit that gives us a VISION to want MORE! I believe I have a young at heart mindset and it just makes living a whole lot more fun for myself and my students! I have this one kid who is a grump. But every day that he comes into the classroom, he laughs and laughs and says, "Mme Rivera, STOP MAKING ME LAUGH. I DON'T WANT TO BE THIS HAPPY!" I tell him, "Sorry Dude; you're in MY CLASS and you are going to smile!" teeheheheeeee
This post is an encouragement to this
old man. Thanks.
Hubby and I were just talking about this very subject this afternoon. We both want to always be "young at heart" and never stop living until we have to or the Lord calls us home. Great post! Christmas blessings!
What wonderful examples set for you! Thank you for sharing them with us.
Sweet and very touching. I wish to be always young at heart:)
What a wonderful post - and what a great message!
Young at heart - it's what I always want to be, too. After all, I may grow older, but I'll never grow up!!
I have to add an amen to this one Sonja! I know I would have loved your parents. Working with the little children keeps me young at heart. I think when you are open to learning new things and not thinking you know it all keeps you young. Having a sense of wonder and excitement is something else that keeps us young at heart. I hope that you and I will always be young at heart.
Love you,
Thanks for this lesson today...I needed it, because it truly is a choice! I also want to be a fun grand mother.
I hope you are thawing out over there!
My uncle just sent me a video today of a dear lady being interviewed on the Jay Leno Show. She was 105 years old and I was doubled over laughing at her. This post fit with that perfectly. Life does present heartaches and sadness in the midst of joys and blessings, but like you, I want to keep my focus on the joy in life, and I want my smile to warm hearts, like yours so often, does mine. Thanks Sonja for sharing joy today.
this is such a fun post but full of wisdom.
i want to be the old lady with a smile on
her wrinkled face not a frown.
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