Thursday, February 20, 2014

Faith for the ride...

Remember this photo? It was all over the internet a couple of years ago. 

If there isn't a sermon in this little guy at the top of the hill, then I am blind! I've kept this in my file since it struck a chord. 

Sometimes faith feels like this. 

I mean the kind of faith that is required when the answers to our prayers are out of our hands.

We all have them, circumstances in our lives that require just trusting God, nothing else can 'fix' it. 
We don't really know what the ride holds, we just get on that board and go...

The logical part of me knows that God will not let me down, He never has, He never will.

But that other part... the one that does not see how on earth what is ahead can work... that's the part this picture brings to mind.

I wish I could say that my faith hops on board every time, and just rides... knowing full well that I am safe.

There are many times when I have to learn, again, that I am completely safe when I trust God.

... "I will never leave you or forsake you".

... "Trust in the Lord with all your heart..."

... "Underneath are the everlasting arms"...

... "Fear not..."

..."Don't worry about anything, instead trust God for everything..."

And there are so many more. Promises that never change. Promises that cover all of it...

the future

The view from where this boy is standing is probably exciting to him. He will have a thrill on his ride down, and splash into the water with great delight.

The view, for me, is completely different. I see a wheel falling off, a rock on the way down, or losing my focus and flying off the path, maybe even a man eating shark when I hit the water!

Faith in God makes the ride possible, and much

Faith is risking all the possibilities and perils ahead based on the sure promises of God, promises to be there through the whole ride and lead us through it to the very place He has in mind.

Each time we take a new ride of faith, we understand more fully the faithfulness of God. 

I wish this picture had a second one, showing the boy laughing out loud as his feet hit the water. 

That's the kind of faith I want.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Cabin fever...

I've got it... cabin fever!

We have had some sort of snow, ice or drizzle for what seems like a long time. No, that isn't my house, and what we have had isn't anything like that, still...

I am getting antsy...

I know those of you in the northeast smile at us and understand that we are weather wimps. But in Texas, when snow or ice is in the forecast, the whole population heads to the grocery store and stocks up on everything comfort and cold weather related, as we batten down the hatches.

I've scrubbed counter tops, organized, even cleaned in the corners all over the place. I've also dug a little deeper into God's Word, and seen some special new truths, just meant for me to see.

There is a lesson in everything...

Many times my spirit has gotten 'antsy'...

Instead of pausing, I've dashed out of the house and filled my days with everything other than what I probably needed the most. I know God has provided times in my life to just stop and hush.

Maybe God sends snow and ice to make us be still and know that He is God...

I am always the one who wins when I spend extra time listening to what He is saying... always! So
I am thankful for these few days.

Even so, as soon as the weather breaks and the sun returns... 

I will be 'out of the building'.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Write it down!...

My dad always told us:

"The palest ink is better than the best memory"

Maybe it's an old Chinese proverb, but it's one of those pieces of wisdom that I am reminded of every time I DON'T write it down.

Just today... I had an appointment, I thought, at 11:30. When I got there, the lot was empty and the building was locked. I quickly made a call and discovered that I had the wrong week! Did I write it down?? Nope.

How many times have I gone to the grocery store, and without a list of specifics, I come home without the most important item that lead me there in the first place!

Do you do that??

This is not a very important blog entry... except when it is! It only matters when I did NOT write something down and whatever it was is not on the list where it needs to be.

Is it simply part of the process of getting older, or is it the pace of the world we are living in, one that keeps our minds full and cluttered, and needing a good old pen and paper.

I am into lists these days, even when I leave them sitting on my desk after I've left the house to go and do those things...

The only thing I DON'T need a list for is to find my car after I leave the store and think it's on the right, but it isn't there... for THAT I have my key alarm, which beeps when I get within close range of where the car really is... on the left. 

I am not going to tell you how many times I've used that beeper!