Here's something I know for sure.
Sunday mornings are not always filled with the sounds of saints, even in a christian home, maybe especially in a christian home!
We did not always look like this family...
I remember lots of bickering, snickering and downright ugly behaviour, and it wasn't always just the kids...
Satan hates Sunday mornings, I'm sure of it.
He is out to defeat the mom and dad and family who head faithfully to God's house. Have you noticed it?? There we were, obeying what God's word teaches, raising our family to do the same, and rather than righteous and victorious living, chaos was often the scene.
We didn't always look like the storybook family headed to church. Sometimes when I was growing up, we were in churches where we were the guests, and my dad was the speaker for their service. It's bad enough to already have your nose out of joint, but worse when you are introduced as the preacher's family!
Really, it's the same today. When we obey God, satan gets his dukes up and starts to punch holes into the 'righteousness of the saints'...
Even so... we keep at it, and the final victory, on Sunday mornings and every day belongs to God. When we do our part, he works it together for good. As to the storybook... we are not perfect people, neither are our children. All through the journey, God is teaching each one of us.
What we learn is to 'get our dukes up' more quickly, and stand toe to toe with the Sunday morning or any morning temptations that satan will continue to bring our way.
Just like David with his slingshot... as we put up our dukes, these battles begin to change, and so do we.
I can so identify with your words here, Sonja. Try adding autism into the mix and you really have a mess. Staying true to The Lord though, fully submitted, and resisting the enemy, and things do improve.
Take care!
Oh you nailed it! I remember the days!
So true. The enemy is right there to place his ugly fingerprints on every act of obedience. And he hates families.
Good morning dearest SONJA! How true is this. The battlefield is in our homes, our hearts, and the ugly one never ceases to try to draw us away from the light, and it happens to EVERYONE. Christians are not immune to the every day challenges, but at least those of faith have an extra arrow in their quiver to use to take a shot at adversity. We just need to know how to use it and USE IT!
Sonja dear, thank you kindly for coming to visit. You are correct; this is a little time-out for me but I will continue with blogging, just less frequently. I WILL BE BACK, shortly! I can't stay away from creating posts for too long! God bless you dearest Sonja! Anita
Isn't that the truth! Many were the days, especially when our children were teens, that I despaired of ever teaching them about kindness or tolerance. I still marvel at what decent adults they've become, though I do chuckle (secretly) at their struggles to teach THEIR children about kindness.
Thank God for grace!
P.S. I love your transparency. It invites & welcomes like disclosures. Good stuff!
Sundays have always been a battle for us. Things have calmed down in recent years, probably because there are less agendas to contend with in terms of numbers. One thing is for sure: the battle to get to church is sometimes fierce, but once the day is over, I'm always glad for the "going." What a privilege to join my brothers and sisters on Sunday mornings in honor of our King. Some day, we'll all get to worship together with him. What a day that will be!
This is a pretty good description of the way our Sundays used to look when we were raising our children, it was always a battle to get out the door with a good attitude. We still have our battles on Sunday mornings, they look different then they did in the day, but we press on. It never seems to fail that the Sundays it's the hardest to get there is the time I need to be there the most.
Lately I have done some serious battle getting myself to church. Sunday mornings have become a war zone. But yes, I realize that it is only this way because it's so important. The greatest battles are the ones that really count.
GOD BLESS - and have a wonderful Easter Sunday!
Wise words!! We battled the enemy many a morning getting ourselves off to Sunday School and church. Our manic mornings were compounded with the need to pack extra clothes because we always stayed the day with family at the Duchess's house. (Still do.)
I think every Christian can find themselves in this story at some time!
I can relate. As a child, I remember times when the drive to church wasn't the most pleasant. It can be easy to look at families who seem to have it all together. But we all struggle to some degree or another.
Love you,
Hi, Sonja!
What a joy to visit you today on this lovely Easter afternoon.
Sunday mornings are still a battle for us, even though our children are grown. It takes real tenacity to hang in there.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart and thoughts.
Much love,
Amen!! I don't know how many times I wanted to just get out of the car and come right back into the house. That is just what the enemy wanted. Then you get there and Jesus reaches down and blesses you with His word, even if you are setting there with your arms crossed.
Great post
Oh, Sonja - been there, done that, bought the hymnal.
But you know what, I still go every Sunday morning, and am thankful to be able to do so.
We sure aren't perfect - just forgiven, right? :)
Blessings to you ~ Marsha
Oh, so thankful those days are behind me. There is a "silver lining" in getting older. ~smile~ Since our children only have one little one each I don't think they run into too much Satan on Sunday mornings but he is alive and well for sure. Good post Sonja!
Oh the memories of this morning for me, and now the vivid examples I get to see in my own daughter's Sunday morning experiences, especially trying to get five little ones ready to go. Great post!
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