It's at the very core of the gospel. It's what makes ALL the difference.
God... loved me enough to create me... then to give his life for me.
The knowledge of this truth is what sets us free... At my darkest, my greatest need was to know that he loved me. It still is. If he loved me then, he will love me always.
He did... and he does!
How about THAT truth to begin this new day?
A great way to start any day! Thank you.
Yes, a wonderful thought for the day!
And God also loves me when I'm walking through the darkest...
He is my Light.
When I think upon my "darkest hour", I hit my knees in gratefulness for the grace extended in that hour. I am thankful for that hour. Had it not come, I'm not sure I would have really understood grace.
Amazing it is.
Blessed Sabbath rest, friend.
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