I forgot to smile, and the whole thing makes me want to laugh. I still have my old fold up cell phone and my kids think I'm crazy to not update. I'm going to, but just haven't made the leap into learning the new i phone technology. :)
I took this picture for 2 reasons... neither of them worked.
I wanted to show my sister my hair and the longer layers, which we had discussed a few minutes earlier on the phone... it doesn't even show, and I wanted to show Debbie at Heart Choices my 'Younique" eyelashes I bought through her, and they don't show either!!
I love longer layers, and I love my new eyelashes, but what I got from this seflie isn't a good reflection of either one.
What is my point?
Probably what we THINK we look like when we are trying to make an impression, may NOT be what the rest of the world sees when they look at us!
This picture was made by standing in front of our dining room mirror and snapping my camera kind of blindly. My camera doesn't do selfies. I thought I had a pleasant look on my face, instead I look kind of grim and my eyes look closed when actually I was just trying to aim my camera.
There is no real sermon in this blog, unless it would be to make sure you are smiling when you take a selfie, or... when you are trying to make a good impression!
I think both my sister and Debbie are forgiving, but the rest of the world would probably prefer a cheerful smile!
I think that is a lovely Selfie.
I have never taken one on purpose.
I did accidentally mail one to a friend, when I was trying to take a picture of the pasture next door. I wish I still had my old flip phone. This new fangled one keeps me too engaged. I don't like that.
I love your hair, it is very cute.
Though I do have some lovely devotionals on my new phone which I do like.
Try again! It'll work. Go to same place, smile, and look at the camera's eye . Then you'll be smiling at all of us while also showing us your pretty longer layers and the new lashes. Really. Try it.
I think you are adorable and fun, Sonja. I'm easy to please, dear one. I'm just happy to see a post from you!
I try taking selfies when I am in the dressing room trying on new clothes so my daughter can see and give me her impression. I have yet to do it right...they are hysterical. Some people make it look soo easy. Not sure what I am even doing wrong, lol. My kids did talk me into a new phone a year ago and I will admit I do love it. Probably spend too much time on it, but it is nice for lots of reasons. I do have to say, I LOVE your hair! Seriously soo pretty! Can't see the eyelashes very well I will admit, but I have been tempted to try those too. Maybe I will! Enjoy the rest of your week!
I think you look lovely, Sonja, smile or not. You are blessed with beautiful hair. Your lashes are probably very pretty too. Debbie 's are.
You look lovely!
What a fun post! I do believe there's a learning curve to taking a good selfie and I haven't found it just yet. Happy weekend!
I love this post Sonja...it just made me smle
I just love this! It makes me smile and after a week where I didn't like how others saw me, I think the point is good also. I also laugh because when I try selfies my eyes always look like they are closed...my eye lids are really fat! Have a great week! Enjoy the sun. I need to try those eyelashes.
Took a few minutes this morning to peek into blogland, and this was one of the first things I read. I stand convicted. I haven't exactly been even *trying* to make a good impression these days, but I'm sure the pained pickle face I have been wearing has been something that makes your selfie look like a glamour shot.
SInce I can't reply to your comment through email, I'll just use this means. BTW, do you realize that you have your setting on "do not reply." Anyway, let me know about Thred Up and what you think. I should be getting my email today or tomorrow that they have received my stash. Can't wait. Happy rest of the week!
Oh Sonja, you are the cutest! You had me laughing. I also have an old fashioned flip phone! I had such trouble taking a selfie with my big camera too. Finally, Greg took one of me or else it wouldn't happen. I love your hair and I just know your eyes look beautiful and POP! With our fabulous new mascara ...they have to. I know mine do too. :)
I've not been posting much this week even though I've been on spring break. Allergies and sinus headaches have kept me quiet but I had some much needed rest and time with Greg.
Love you,
Bwahahaahahaaaa !!!! I actually HAVE a smart phone and for many long months my own selfies looked just like yours. It took me forever to learn how to reverse the image. The outcome wasn't any better, though.
Your candid snapshot is great, though. You look very intelligent, as if pondering a great conundrum.
More sermons/lessons here then you realize, I think! At any rate, I find myself in VERY good company :)
I'm sure my face would be improved by some new eye-lashes....but then again, knowing myself, I'm pretty sure this will not become part of my "beauty routine". I'd love to see yours, however, when you master the Art of the Selfie :)
I don't know, I think you're pretty adorable!! Of course, I just might be a little biased. I happen to think that Westmont women are especially beautiful!!
Loved your lesson too! I thought of that verse where it says that God does not judge like man does - He does not look at appearance. And the verses from Proverbs 31 about looks being deceiving. And also, the verse that says God looks upon the heart.
Yup, God is all about the INSIDE of us. And He isn't much impressed by the *impressions* we seek to give the world.
Me? I just want to look like His Son!
May you have a blessed Easter!
I love your insights on things, Sonja...even a thing as simple as a selfie. (BTW, I can't take one of those to save my life! lol!) I've missed reading your blog. Now that I'm back online here I can't wait to catch up on all I've missed!!! :)
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