a giggle that is always ready to start...
a gift for drama and acting, I mean a REAL gift!!
absolutely 'gets it' when I'm telling a funny story...
She has a real desire to be God's girl...
LOVES to remind me of when I put on black eye liner instead of lip liner and never knew it...SHE knew it!!!
I got one of her very first smiles, never will forget that day!
Responsible, reliable and strong character...
Right from the start, you stole our hearts!
14 today...no way!!!!
Happy 14th Birthday Courtney!!! We love you tons!!!
How sweet! I love her happy countenance and her beautiful smile!!!
Oh, she's adorable! I had a laugh when you wrote that she noticed you used your lip liner instead of your eye liner. LOL.
Happy Birthday Courtney! That's a beautiful name.
Thank you for your visits and kind comments on Heart Choices.
You've done it again ~ what a perfect description of Courtney! I love it!
She is so full of joy today ~ so full of promise and hope, just like a 14 year-old should be! 14! I can't wrap my mind around that! I keep seeing the picture in my mind of when the nurses held her up for me and she was wrapped tight like a little burrito ... she looked right into my eyes! I adore her!
Thanks for summing her up so perfectly!
I love you!
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